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'Keen Observer' does not give 10% crit chance bonus in WVW

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There is a change to "Keen Observer" in this patch preview.


Although not a direct patch change, in WVW, do you know the bug that Keen Observer only gives 8% bonus instead of 10% crit bonus only? (No problem in PVE and PVP.)

This bug is quite old and is still easily reproducible by hitting the golem at Armistice Bastion.


Without using Twin Fangs,
70% crit (2365 precision) + 20% crit by Fury (Using 'No Quarter' makes easy to perma Fury)
= 90% Crit Chance


If Keen Observer is running normally, It should have 100% critical hit by +10% crit chance bonus (I've definitely excluded other variables).

However, if you continue to hit the golem with normal hits, there may be some normal hit cases.


As test by changing the Precision value several times, you can see that a 100% critical hit occurs only when the actual critical chance is 92%(2407 precision + fury).

In other words, as already written as a bug in the wiki, Keen Observer actually gives only an 8% bonus.


Please don't ignore the bug report and fix it.

Edited by shinvold.3618
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