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WvW Queue display bug


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I know this is something that is probably well documented, but it is very annoying to be "queue 1" for an hour while people in your squad supposedly behind you in queue get in. It's impossible to know if you are just bugged and not actually moving in the queue or if your queue display is bugged and instead of number 1 you're actually 10 and actually behind your party members. It would be great it this could be fixed so I can know whether to just give up.

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This happened to me this evening, as well.  They have not been able to fix this for quite a long time, and at this point I doubt they ever will.  It would be refreshing if they would simply let us know that, for <insert reason here>, they cannot fix the "queue" and it is really a lottery.  Once that fact was admitted, you could then decide how long you wanted to wait for your number to be drawn, without the mistaken belief that your "queue" number has something to do with how close you are to getting into the map.


They also (and more urgently, in my opinion) really need to fix this bug where you have allegedly won the "queue" lottery, click "travel" to claim your prize, and get told "Sorry, we were just fooling you.  Back to the end of the line!"


It is common knowledge that reset night is popular and map slots are limited, but telling people they have won a slot in the map lottery, and then taking the prize away just makes people angry, which is probably not what you want to be doing to your customers if you would like them to give you money.



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