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Looking for NA guild, PvE and newb friendly


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I've owned the game since launch but only really started playing it recently, just completed the base story and living world season 1 and 2, starting Heart of thorns. I'm PvE exclusive, 100% absolutely hate PvP in any form, I'm already pretty chuffed that I have to do WvW to get legendaries. Looking for a guild that can help me figure out the seemingly endless currencies and systems in this game, who will do fractals and other PvE content with me, achievement runs, that sort of stuff. Preferably a mature guild, 30+ (as I am), and not toxic. Not sure how guilds work in this game really, so I'm not sure exactly how I can help contribute but I'm willing to help other members with PVE content as well, and eventually WvW as I very reluctantly will have to do it for the legendaries as far as I understand. Thanks in advance.

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Hi, Jeremy! I hope you're doing well. Do you have any specific playtime / schedule? Our guild Clair De Lune [Luna] is a night owl guild so our events can vary anytime from reset (7PM EST) to about 11PM EST. We are also a mature guild which includes occasional adult humor and frequent cussing if that is your type of thing.

[Luna] does all types of content that varies from end-game (fractals, strikes, raids) and general PvE like map metas and dungeons, as well as progressive, training, semi-experienced, and experienced runs of end-game content! We're extremely welcoming of new peeps and love to see new faces who are ready to ask questions, socialize, and hop into content with us!

I would recommend you check out our forum post HERE for a full list of things we do, as well as details regarding the type of community we are. If you think we might fit you and want to give us a shot, let us know by replying to our forum post or DMing one of our officers.


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Hi Jeremy.3467!  You might want to check out Remnants of Hope. (Our website is undergoing revisions; if it is buggy, please just refresh the page.)


Good new is that you do not need to play WvW to get most legendaries. Legendary weapons do not require any competitive game mode, and the legendary amulet are trinkets are 100% PvE. If you are trying to get legendary armor, you can do it in raids instead of WvW or PvE if you want.


RoH plays every game mode, with a dozen or more guild events per week. Not 100% what you personally mean by PvE, but so much of this game could be considered PvE that we have it divided up so different departments handle different aspects.  For example, we have a Raids Department that runs Raids & Strikes, and our Crafting Department handles Guild Missions. We don't limit by age (over age 13), but many of our players are in their thirties and a lot much older than that. We have members all over the world, but are generally organized around Eastern North America time. 

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Hey there Jeremy, 

We offer mutiple options for you to look over and are super active. Here is a guild ad that I post around the place. By all means take a look, see what you think and then give a shout if you see anything of interest or have any questions 🙂


NA [CBo] Crimson Blackout & [PACK] Wolves Of War....yes, 2 guilds in one based on Sorrow's Furnace
Depending what you are looking for and what your commitment level wants to be, we have it here in [CBo] and [PACK]. 

[CBo] is an easy-going PvX guild that is working towards all game modes. We do WvW 2 nights a week on Fridays (reset) and Sundays 9pm EST, 8pm CST and 6pm PST. We are based on Sorrow's Furnace server. Tuesdays and Thursdays are now PvE nights where people play and learn Raids. Strikes and Fractals can also be done upon request, but we are currently putting together set times and days for them.

[PACK] is our WvW focused group. We run in WvW 5 nights a week. Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat and Sun. We start at 9pm EST, 8pm CST and 6pm PST. You are required to run a minimal of 2 nights out of the 5. We use Teamspeak for comms and this is mandatory. You dont have to talk, but you have to be able to hear the commander and her call outs. Guild builds will be required and repping [PACK] on WvW nights is also required. We have trainings and even 1 on 1 sessions for anyone requiring or requesting them. We are more than happy to help new guild members get their Warclaw mount also.

We are a very open, inclusive and respectful guild, where all are welcome.
We also run random nights like Necro night, Ranger night, just something to have a laugh and a bit of fun with.

Please join us on TeamSpeak
Discord @ https://discord.gg/6e3zHBKZhk we use Discord as a website.
Please feel free to reach out to me in-game at Rantaine.4759 or on Discord at Dguvner#3035

P.S Transfers to SF are free if you haven't transferred before   or dirt cheaps at 500gems!!!

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