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Looking for social group with members in 30s 40s


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I feel out of place in groups where the average age is 18-21. Looking for friendly groups with majority of members in their 30s or 40s (preferably) but any social, positive and fun group will be looked at! I like groups that have active text Discord channels to chat in throughout the day, or people that make friends and play other games together. I only play the game casually.

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Hey we might be a good fit for you! Our guild is made to be 30+ out of the gate, its a requirement to join!

We have a decently active discord and events most evenings, there's a few people who just hang in VC some days as well. Check us out below and send in an application if ya like what ya see!

Apply here => https://tyrspaladium.shivtr.com/forums (make sure youre under the GW2 tab)

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