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Dead Wolvz Clan Looking for proactive NA players.


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Dead Wolvz Gaming Sponsored by Living Off Adrenaline L.L.C is establishing an NA PVX crew for GW2. Server will be Darkhaven for WVW.  We are looking for competitive/casual gamers, all class roles, commanders and people in general who will be active within our Discord Server so that we have active communication. Also, There will be pvp tournaments, WVW, multiple dungeon/ game completions group that we will host and/or join. Rewards, giveaways and more will be for those who are proactive within our community/events.  Let's create something legendary and usher in a new era of gamers. Your opinions matter, share them with us. #HappyHunting


Discord link to our community: https://discord.gg/deadwolvz

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