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In search of a social guild.


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I have been searching for some time for a PvE type guild, but the ones I found, I ended up continuing to do open world content alone, and It is something I am not wanting to do anymore. I have spent a better part of 6 years alone, and as a result I have lost interest in playing guild wars. I am looking for a social and active guild, one that I can participate in joining others for open world content as well as fractals as well as strike missions. Imo a lot of guilds I have joined in the past, seemed to be social, and when I joined, I found myself alone, and everyone was doing their own thing. Not something I want to continue doing. Are there any guilds that is focused on open world content?

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Are you on NA or EU?
We do like to romp about the map together, group fishing, whatever anyone is up to really. We do fractals and dungeons and strikes if that's your thing or we could just as easily decide to go do a meta or boss run, depends on who's about really.
I'll toss our blurb out and you can see what you think, maybe drop into Discord and check us out before joining...


[na] [18+] Shrieking Quokkas has been around for a year and a half and thankfully we don't have any long term cliques and so far no overinflated egos (we do try to keep the toxic diehard types to a minimum). We don't have any big joining requirements, no forms to fill out or interviews to sit, just jump into Discord and have a chat, see what you think of us and let us know you want an invite. Any of our members can send guild invites so you don't have to wait for the obligatory 'officer' to be online.
Guild activity is similar. it's best to get to know people first but once you are known it's not hard to have others jump on something you want to run. There's a decent mix of interest in game we're running both experienced and training Fractals, Strikes, and Dungeons. Not to mention Guild Missions and general Idiocy.  Anything you want to do just give a shout and people are likely to jump on board for the fun of it, we're very easygoing and more than happy to tag along on what you're doing in order to procrastinate on what we should be (coughskyscalecough).

Timezones are split between SEA and US times, a lot of voice happens in US daytimes. We'd really love to see Aussie evenings get busier, more people equals more fun right? Besides the founders/Guild Leaders are in Oz and we adore company.
It's not mandatory except for guild activities but we'd like to see voice get busier because it's a great space to toss ideas about, even for guild events you don't need to speak, only be able to hear whoever is running things for instructions. We don't insist on repping either, again except for Guild group activities, it's really your choice though it's great when people do so we can drop in on the yellow dots on the map and say hi.
We like to help and brainstorm ideas but we don't mind if you take or leave our advice, you'll likely get 3 different opinions anyway and it's always interesting to see what works for each person. We have found everyone plays the game their own way, we even have an insane group of people who like PvP and WvW.

As for why Quokkas? ........... well drop into our Discord and we'll tell you all about them

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Hi! If you're 30+ and still looking, we might be a good spot for ya.

We are a casual/social guild with lots of players that prioritize open world content. We also have a few opportunities for harder PvE content offered in low pressure, casual environments. These include: dungeons, fractals, strikes, and even raids(though this is spotty). 

Please check us out if we sound like a good fit. 

Apply Here => https://tyrspaladium.shivtr.com/?site_game_id=136318

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