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[NA] [PvX] The Meow House [CAT] wants you!!! Yes, you! Casual/New/Veteran ADULT players all wanted!


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I'm looking for a guild to play with. I just started playing GW2 again after a number of years and yours sounds great! I'm still getting the hang of playing again and have just started the Path of Fire story quests. I would love it if I could get a person or persons to join and help me get the hang of things again. Thanks!

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I am a total noob to Guild Wars 2. I played Guild Wars the original back in the day but then my buddies all decided to go play WoW so I joined them. I have plenty of experience in the World of Warcraft MMO (as far back as BETA) but outside of killing stuff in the world and doing quests, I haven't done anything else (i.e. crafting, dungeons, raids, etc.) in GW2. 

I'm just looking for a casual/ friendly/mature oriented guild that supports new players and has a decent online presence. I'm an older player (yes almost 60 🙂),  I am flexible with the times I play but mostly tend to play around afternoon and evenings during the week and most any time during the weekends.

I am on PST/West Coast Time so hopefully I can find a guild that plays around then.

Not sure what else you need but I do have access to Discord and would be happy to speak to someone about joining.  

My information:

Realm: Yak's Bend

Character: DerekSmalls

Class: currently a 60 level Sylvari Ranger

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I am looking for a casual, fun guild. I am looking to get into end game content and would like people to play with and get guidance. I play all aspects of Guild Wars 2. I would like to try your guild.



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im a very casual player, I play world events when Im near them and I would love to learn how to do other stuff besides the main story (just started heart of thorns). It would be great to have a friendly guild to learn from ^.^

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Hi, I guess I can be considered a veteran at gw2 since I've been playing since launch, but my gaming schedule is often random.
I've never been in an active guild before and would like to join a friendly group. Especially now that WvW kinda requires to be in a guild if we want to remain with some people we know.

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