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[EU] Lorebound! [LORE] 📚✨ Love raids, strikes, and chill vibes? Join us today! [OPEN]

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Hello there (general Kenobi) Guild Wars 2 enjoyers!

Lorebound are recruiting new members!

Are you looking for a safe space to try endgame content? A laid-back atmosphere to play the game? Or a social hub where you can hang out with friendly (and occasionally unhinged) folk?

If you answered: ‘yes’, ‘maybe’, or ‘umm?’ to any of these, then perhaps you’d like to join us for the ride!


About Us:

[LORE] formed February ’23 to provide a carefree environment for new raiders, and since then we’ve not only helped those afraid of raiding collect their legendary armour (and have fun doing it), but we’ve also branched out into a myriad of different content!

Our beginnings, and our heart, will always be in breaking down barriers towards endgame content, but our overall goal is to provide a judgement-free space to play.

There’s so much to see in this game, and we want folk to be able to experience as much of it as possible!


What We Offer:

  • A regularly maintained, small but active roster of ~70-100 members
  • Max Level 69 (nice) Guild Hall in Windswept Haven
  • Access to decorate the Guild Hall
  • Small giveaways + Special Halloween and Wintersday community fun
  • A well-organised Discord server including a bot to easily reserve spots to events
  • A flexible opt-in role (Magister's) to host your own events with said bot
  • Vibes


Our Schedule:

  • Strike Clears, Tuesday @ 7:30pm UTC+1
  • Path of Fire Raids, Thursday @ 7:30pm UTC+1
  • Heart of Thorn Raids, Saturday @ 6:30pm UTC+1
  • Variety Days (Open World, Challenge Modes etc) upon request (usually Friday)
  • Fractal Runs upon request

See pictures from some of our events: https://www.instagram.com/loreboundguild/


Our Rules

  • No performance shaming. Any consistent setbacks to squad progression will be addressed privately and compassionately by a Leader
  • Respect all members
  • 18+ only
  • Respecting people’s time is extremely important to us. Being consistently late and/or missing 10-man events last minute may impact your eligibility to sign-on for future runs. We completely understand emergencies happen, and life can get in the way (and is always more important!), but we also don’t want folk’s free time to be wasted from preventable absences
  • Keep it positive!
  • We do not tolerate hate speech or ridiculously offensive jokes. Banter is absolutely fine but know your audience and know your limits
  • Discord is required, as it’s our primary social hub where sign-ups are listed, and is generally easier to communicate through as opposed to in-game chat. Also: we don’t expect you to talk on voice during events, but listening to the call is important.
  • Representation is greatly appreciated, but not enforced
  • If you do not interact with the guild for 3 months, you’ll be removed from the roster. This is to help maintain a healthy guild. Members impacted will always be sent an in-game mail informing them of this, so they have a point of contact to return. You’re always welcome back!


Other Important Bits & Bobs

  • All events are Mixed Experience
  • Some events will be automated. This means they're set to run weekly and aren't reliant on a specific commander. This is to ensure our existing commanders don't burn out and can fully enjoy their time here, too!
  • We don’t expect speed clears or completely meta builds
  • Members are encouraged to try new roles and builds without judgement or pressure
  • We work on a first-come, first-served basis for events, so we don’t have to micromanage the roster and put pressure on our admin team to keep tabs on turnout. (Running a guild needs to stay fun for us, too!) If you struggle to sign-on, or are desperate to get some achievements done, please consider opting in to our Magister's role so you can host your own one-off event using the bot. Or use our in-guild #lfg channel!
  • On a similar note, events for raids can get busy during peak months. We ask that members are patient and understanding during crowded periods. Keeping turnout balanced and finding squad leaders is difficult. The tools are open to everyone to create their own, additional groups via the Magister’s opt-in rank, and we’re a community that doesn’t care if a run isn’t 100% smooth--so don’t be afraid to throw your own tag up!


Whilst our community founded with the aim to provide a haven for folk who felt too intimidated to try endgame content with other groups, we are also simply here for folk who love the game and want a place to relax at the end of a hard day.

If you think we could be the right fit for you and would like to apply, then...

Join our discord by heading to: https://loreboundguild.com 

You will see a few channels with information about us, but when you are ready, head to the channel called "apply-here". Clicking the Apply button will open a channel for you to speak to our wonderful admin team. Tell us a little about yourself, provide your account name, and ask us any questions you may have! 

If you have any questions, please just comment below and we’ll get in touch!

Have a lovely day! 

Edited by UnboundJoy.6507
Modified Application Method
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We are still looking to increase our roster a little! If you are interested in group content with a casual atmosphere, considering joining! 

This weeks schedule is slightly different due to us taking advantage of Emboldened for the Path of Fire raids this weekend.. Tonight we will be running Wing 3 and 4, and tomorrow we will be running Wing 1 and 2 🥰 Both events start at 8PM CEST

Have an amazing day! 

Apply here: https://www.loreboundguild.com/join-us/

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Hey there.

I have been playing GW for well over 15 years if I include original game but never been one for guilds. So I have never attempted raids or fractals but just played for fun in my own way. I am a great fan of WvW and have spent most of my time in there because it is kind of a guild but without a tag. However with the new content that's been released PVE has really become interesting and has lots of potential. So I am looking for a guild just as you described to share the experience and maybe advance my skills. And make new friends.

Tinke Winke.

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13 hours ago, Tinke Winke.9172 said:

Hey there.

I have been playing GW for well over 15 years if I include original game but never been one for guilds. So I have never attempted raids or fractals but just played for fun in my own way. I am a great fan of WvW and have spent most of my time in there because it is kind of a guild but without a tag. However with the new content that's been released PVE has really become interesting and has lots of potential. So I am looking for a guild just as you described to share the experience and maybe advance my skills. And make new friends.

Tinke Winke.

Sorry for the slow reply! I have sent you an invite in-game 🥰 welcome friend!

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  • 3 weeks later...
23 hours ago, Saretho.7109 said:

Hi, I am a returning player but did start back in 2012. I loved doing dungeons back then but never tried to learn raids and strikes. This guild seems to be a good way to start up the learning process, so if you are still looking for people, I'd like to join your ranks 🙂


Hey there! Welcome back to the game. 🧡 We'd love to have you join us! I'll send you a mail with a link to our Discord, and an invitation to the guild shortly. 😊

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, PlsNurfMe.7253 said:

Hey, I'm not sure if the form on your website is working correctly, at least for me - I filled it in and it just went to a white screen after without any confirmation

Hey, your application went through and i have sent an invite 🙂


On 10/3/2023 at 10:46 AM, Kovac.4372 said:

I am looking for another guild. Why are you called Lorebound?

Hi, theres a link to our application form at the bottom of the first post if your still interested 🙂
The guild is called Lorebound because its a combination of our leaders account names Unboundjoy and Lorelaille :D

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