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Shattered Darkness [DARK] | NA | PvE | WvW | Casual


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Shattered Darkness [DARK] [NA] [Darkhaven] [PvE] [WvW] - No iron-fisted, heavy-handed management here. Our friendly, helpful, laid-back, casual and active community is recruiting players of all skill and experience levels with an interest in sharing and learning every aspect of the game to join our ranks. Weekly raid and strikes sign ups. While we are mostly PvE focused, we are also currently recruiting casual WvW players who are seeking a laidback, no-pressure atmosphere to learn in and friendly folks to roam with.

We believe that a community is only as strong as YOU make it and expect our members to be the core of our community and our guild’s very best assets. We run a very common sense approach and require only that our members should contribute and give to our community what they expect to get out of our community. Seems fair, I think?

If you are interested in joining us or have any questions, please see contact info below or, comment here with your account/character name, your primary focus in-game and what you are seeking in a guild and we will get back to you as soon as we can!



Ghost of Ink.4573
Blanche Neige.7241

Edited by Sookie.6580
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I just transferred to Darkhaven and am looking for a guild that does all kinds of content and is active in discord voice chat. I am very introverted but would really like to make friends not just in game, but real life too and do content with others. I have only been playing since october and don't have much knowledge about the game because I went straight to wvw and worked on legendary gear. I did get some story done beforehand. I also am maxed out level wise on fractals. I would really like to try out cms, more strikes, and raiding and have people to do open world content for the new legendary gear coming out. I still need to learn more about the game too but i pick things up quickly. I think this guild may be the place for me so I am hoping to be a part of the community. Side note- In my gaming experience I have been known to come up with outside of game activities and host them, its great to have some variety. 

Edited by MsVirtuousgift.1473
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On 8/7/2023 at 11:16 PM, MsVirtuousgift.1473 said:


I just transferred to Darkhaven and am looking for a guild that does all kinds of content and is active in discord voice chat. I am very introverted but would really like to make friends not just in game, but real life too and do content with others. I have only been playing since october and don't have much knowledge about the game because I went straight to wvw and worked on legendary gear. I did get some story done beforehand. I also am maxed out level wise on fractals. I would really like to try out cms, more strikes, and raiding and have people to do open world content for the new legendary gear coming out. I still need to learn more about the game too but i pick things up quickly. I think this guild may be the place for me so I am hoping to be a part of the community. Side note- In my gaming experience I have been known to come up with outside of game activities and host them, its great to have some variety. 

Hey there. I am so sorry it took so long for me to respond. I have been away for a little while (hence, the OP not getting bumped). So, good and bad news. We are a super friendly and helpful group of folks but both good and bad, we are mostly all pretty introverted. We have a Discord where many of us hang through the day while away from the game but if I'm being honest, it is mostly text based. Our voice chat is used for organized events (guild missions, raids, strikes). So, as far as voice chat is concerned, we may not be what you are looking for. In all other aspects, I think we're a perfect match :). Let me know if you'd like to try us out and I will send you an invite when I hear back. 

Again, massive apologies for the delayed response!

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