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WvW - Fulgur Auri [Auri] (NA) Sanctum of Rall

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We are a small and organized fighting guild. We love teaching. New players are welcomed. Polite community.

Our small size is our best feature:
- You will be known and recognized by each member, there are no inner circles, our ranking system is based on participation only, so every member is equal.
- We have a webpage where we display each member, we have the option for members to upload and selfpromote their content in our webpage. We know each one of us is unique and has accomplished important milestones, we use the webpage to track each player's progress and leave testimony of their adventures.  
- Members also have the option to be evaluated at their fighting skills and we keep record of their progression

What differentiates us from other fight teaching guilds: 
- We dont want to tell you what to play, we give you the theory and guidelines for you to be efficient, and you choose how to build your character as long as you meet the criteria
- We will guide you in the process of creating your build but in a way that you learn the class and role, not only an specific build
- We dont give short answers we want you to have a great understanding of roles, skills, formations, etc
- We have guides and lot of content oriented for players learning
- We guarantee no matter your fighting style preference, you will have a place in our squad, and we will help you be highly proficient at it. 

We are looking for dedicated players:
- We have a rule of participating in guild events at least once per week, if you cant commit to this, then this isnt the right place for you ;). Our events happen at RESET -1 and go for 2h usually. We have a signup discord channel every member must signup if they want to join the event.
- Discord is mandatory, we need you to be able to read events info, feedback and strategy plans. Audio is highly encouraged at least listening, otherwise you wont get a clue of what is happening.
- Reading the guides is also mandatory, you can ask any questions only after you have read the guides.

We also have practice sessions and personal trainings.

If you want to reach us you can find us in

You can join our discord in

Or you can reach me (guild leader) ingame:
ElectRic Raikou.8349

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