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Herald quickness providing vs other specs


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With today's patch, why is Herald able to provide up to 29s of quickness to themselves and others with no concentration, no added boon duration and full zerker gear with no effort, while every other spec requires some sort of rotation or synergy with their skills and mechanics to acquire even a fraction of this? It feels like when revenant was first released and you auto attacked with upkeep skills, and nothing else. Except this feels even more unhealthy to the class and the game than before. 

Edited by origin.1496
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4 minutes ago, Noah Salazar.5430 said:

qheal scrapper can 22-29s of quickneess as well atm

not mentioning full berserker qdps scrapper with 100% quickness uptime, cuz rocket boots

That requires putting in effort for blast finishers and leap finishers, right? Herald feels semi-locked into the old routine of auto attack and maintain upkeep skills only rotation. It's a very passive and honestly unfun playstyle for what it can provide. 

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53 minutes ago, Noah Salazar.5430 said:

idk what you mean, as main i do them witchout thinking, you can leap while your medic gyro or blast gyro, 

or your 5+3 on hammer xD


Still more effort than F2 + the 7 key. Standing there providing more quickness isn't what anything should be.

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Fun or not, it fits the whole herald-is-pumping-boons-all-around-him playstyle.


Also providing quickness by spamming my facets off cooldown (as it was before patch) seems worse then watching my remaining energy (as its The Thing about revenants, right).

Yes, it IS almost permanent without concentration (3secs of quick every 3 seconds) but so is harbringer's quickness from shroud. At least the shroud isnt being reduced by every skill you use....

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Alac Specter can also sustain alac without any concentration and doing your normal shroud rotation (like harbinger's quickness). I don't care if it easy, I prefer that fits a theme and not just a button mashing (like scrappers gyros, facet's consume, old specter's well and so on).

Also, you lose a lot of damage, since the quickness trait is a healing one, healquickness herald looks a bit more realiable since you can provide quickness in other legends, you can even opt-out from Glint, which is interesting at least. PQuickness Herald is suffering the damage and utility lost sadly.

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