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Quality of Life Suggestion for Mechs / Pet classes


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I don't post on the forums often, but since I logged in to post about the Mechanical Genius changes I figured I'd write one more. I love playing the mech in wvw, but it's really only good for small scale. It faces the same problem all pet classes face in WvW, the pet dies instantly if it gets too close to a zerg. 

This has been a problem in many MMO's over the years, and several games have solved this problem by making pets immune to AE damage in competitive modes. If you want to kill a pet, target it and focus it down. Otherwise, AE skills don't even target the pet. This makes it possible to actually use the pets in large battles and not have to change builds (or even classes) when you help defend something. 

Edited by Fubuki.7162
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On 6/28/2023 at 2:34 AM, Xperiment.6923 said:

Interesting to hear. As a Warrior main I hate Mech pets in PVP. The seem to never die, hurt and always cause me to de-target. I could also just suck?

Mech in pvp is mostly unplayable to be honest... so yeah... just cc the bot

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