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New weapon system flaws and possible fix

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I really enjoyed the new weapons on different elite specialisation. My personal favourite being definitely hammer weaver and can't wait to play it fully. The flaws I found lies in how weapons work right now in terms of damage (condition/power) and elite spec traits that support them. Where in current settings you can use new weapons but they lack the support of the others elite spec traits. 

First flaw of the system is how weapons work for classes right now and their damage dealing type.

Power weapons have high power damage element but don't have any damaging condition on any of their skills, not counting non-damaging condition.

Condition weapons have heavy damaging condition stacks on their skills, with small power damage element.

Hybrid have some conditions and medium power damage element.

Second flaw is the ability of some elite specialisation to have condition and power builds with other having only the former or latter but not both. Where core trait lines come with solid core for both damage types, certain builds lack the support of condition or power builds, as having no bonus damage traits for certain damage type making for example condition build non existent/weak comparing to the power one.

If you add the first with the second and mix it with the new system, we can make a lot new weapon builds but they won't always work.

Example could be - I want to play Mirage with dagger/sword/greatsword or dual sword instead dagger, which I'll be able to use/equip, but they won't work well. 

A - Mirage has no %dmg modifiers in trait's making power builds weak comparing to condition. There are other classes that lack the ability of condition or power damage builds too.

B -Greatsword, sword or dagger is Power weapon having no condition on its skills, thus making it bad weapon for condition class like Mirage.

 There are some anomalies like condition virtuoso notably using power weapons but using traits and critical hits to apply conditions.

 Yet this is not the ideal solution and since you want to give us freedom of using weapons of ur choice we should be also able to chose which type of damage we want to do with what class/spec.


To fix this elite spec traits should have support for both damage types and something like condition and power mode for weapons with ability to switch in between modes somewhere (button/traits) or the mode being dependent on the stats of the given weapon. This would bring certain benefits.

A - can use any weapons to deal any type of damage.

B - easier to balance weapons for different damage type.

C - easier to balance difference between condition and power based builds for same elite specialisation.

D - way to streamline rotations for given weapons and class no matter what damage type condi/power 


I think the technology is there with skills having different values for different game modes and this would be just making additional layer of values for different damage types and allowed 100% usability of the new weapon system. As even without making changes to traits would allow current builds use the new weapons fully.

As it is, there would be many elite spec left out of the use of new weapons, if they lack support for given damage type.


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So really what you're saying is that the flaws are in the current system andyou suggest how these flaws could be resolved in the upcoming system... Aside from whether I agree with your post or not, I think you underestimate the work that would be required for that and August 22nd really isn't that far off. 


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While there was a time that I wanted a power shatter mirage to be viable, at the point I like that there exist at least a few especs that can't spec into everything.

I think narrowing every espec to "power, condi, other" traitlines is extremely boring design. Don't want more of that happening to the HoT/PoF specs, thanks.

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