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  1. So, there's a WvW specific forum here. Probably should've posted this there.
  2. Ahh you mean FPS killer maps. Well, that all depends on your PC/laptop specs, I suppose. Some might share your plight but many others won't. I don't see this being an issue for most players, particularly because SoTO has been out for a year and there's not been many complaints about it as far as I can remember.
  3. Yeah, the thing is that this is not a new topic. I've always wondered about why some do and some don't come with glyphs. For me, this package deal we're talking about here has enough value for the gathering tools to be without glyphs (though I wouldn't mind getting glyphs retroactively hehe). But there's this issue in general where prices and functionality do not match, which from a customer point of view doesn't make any sense. I mean, I challenge you to explain to us why there's such inconcistency in prices and whether or not they come with glyphs. And I'm not asking how it came to be necessarily but why you haven't equalized them yet rather. Surely it would be much easier to have one price and just drop the unbreakable ones which are pretty much useless and not much cheaper than other sets that do have glyphs (2400 gems vs 2700 gems). Look at it this way: what would you say about selling glyphs separately for 100 gems each? If that feel to cheap then perhaps you would see why people think that the unbreakable tools are too expensive. Also some sets have specific glyphs in them and others you can pick which glyphs you want... All in all, I'd say it's time to overhaul they whole thing and make all tools with glyphs 900 gems and the glyph selectable. And all tools that don't have glyphs should cost 700 gems each. Now it's just a suggestion of course but there's just too many differences between them and for no sensible reason at all and I just can't really see how you can continue to leave such differences there without it being a negative customer experience.
  4. You probably would be more convincing without the condescending nature of your tone. So, humor me f you would: what is it you're trying to achieve with your posts? I mean, surely, you don't think that this style is going to convince anybody of your stance? In the end, people can be very different from each other as demonstrated in this post. Personally, 177 gold for me is fairly easily earned, but I can empathize with the OP just the same; but as I said people can be very different.
  5. Ah too bad, I thought I was going to learn about something new. Simple is not a legendary effort though, it's already pretty much a legendary grind. I prefer there to be a"complete this, do that" parts to it. There's enough grind that's part of it already. More grind would just bore the crap out of me. Well, we all have our own opinion of course
  6. I don't agree personally. I think it's good that there are items in the game that aren't instant gratification and aren't convenient to get. Sure, it can be frustrating at times but that's ok; it's part of the experience that will ultimately add to the feeling of accomplishment at the end. Others may not care about that feeling but I do and this is my personal opinion after all. You do make me curious though: what's this item that you can get from a vendor that requires you to complete the entire game? I've made many legendaries and I can't remember anything like that.
  7. Please rewrite this post if you want us to reply to it. It makes absolutely zero sense like this.
  8. Sure anything is possible but your ideas are unlikely to the point that they are wishful thinking.
  9. No, I don't think so because I find it more likely that you can buy the Gift with ancient coins as soon as JaWi comes out. I expect that Obsidian Armor will remain the selling point for SoTO, because they don't want to discourage people from buying an expansion. On the contrary, they want to entice you and the only things that really are selling points for future buyers are the new weapon masteries we got and obsidian armor.
  10. It can reach zero, however. Anet doesn't have to adhere to some dictionary definition after all.
  11. Legendary armor is not for everyone but I just want to comment on the free transmutations. It's not the main benefit of legendary armour but I mentioned that benefit because you were talking about the visual aspects a lot. And it really depends on the person what they consider the main benefit. In my case the main benefits are the free reskins but also that I can use legendary items on ALL of my characters (as long as their class allows it of course). I have 20 characters and others have way more but every time I level a new character I don't have to worry about gearing them at level 80. Also when you play Fashion Wars a lot, you really use up an inordinate amount of transmutation charges. At least I do. The reason is that I'm a bit of a perfectionist and Anet has made it very hard to mix and match for various reasons. And the preview window sucks. So I can now freely swap skins around without having to worry about the charges. One change on one character can easily cost me 20 charges or so and, as I said, I have 20 of them. But that's me. It's also nice that I can change stat sets and swap out runes, infusions and sigils without having to worry about extracting them. What legendary gear means to me primarily is the freedom it gives me from hassle. Well, that's for you to decide. I can't tell you whether it's worth it to you or not but looking back at it, it's always been worth it to me. You forget what it cost after a short while anyway. It's only game currencies after all.
  12. Yeah I think there will be a very big difference between the WvW Warclaw and the PvE Warclaw. I remember when the Warclaw released initially people were able to jump into towers like Quentin Lake from the side, so they nerfed the jump. If they would get this double jump in WvW then that exploit would be back again.
  13. More like explosive powder sometimes 😂 On topic: I rarely go to Orr anymore. Just when I really need something for a collection or map completion. I recently needed some stuff in Orr for the Gen1 Legendary Spear and, well, I'm glad it's over. There are bugs but it's sometimes hard to distinguish them from just the sheer randomness of events and event chains. You'd be waiting for an event to pop and after a while you start wondering if it's a bug or part of an event chain that people don't bother starting anymore or something else. And I think Orr is the area of GW2 with the most contested WPs to the point where you wonder why even place some of these WPs. So all in all, this combination of elements makes me avoid Orr. And that makes me wonder if most people avoid Orr for such reasons and why Anet doesn't really care about it anymore unless they're related to the story and people can't progress the story anymore.
  14. Yeah, I'm not sure if the unusual coins that you already have would get changed to ancient coins in the process. That would also seem like a bad idea to me, particularly without warning people beforehand. I don't think that happened with the unusual coins I still had from EoD when SoTo came out but I'm not sure. But with that in mind it's probably best to be safe rather than sorry and spend as much of those as you can. In the end you want to spend them on those Gifts so you don't lose anything by spending them now. I do hope that Anet will clarify this before JaWi hits. There was a thread about this in the JaWi subforum, so perhaps this has already been clarified there. Not sure. Edit: I just checked that thread and there was no answer from Anet
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