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An explosive mix of puzzle jumping, flying and map meta mechanics - air raids!

Imagine a map meta where a limited amount of npc griffons can be mounted for combat!
Ground troops (majority of players) will be able to receive air support with major impact as they press onward.

However it won't be as easy as just strapping your butt in and not falling off the griffon!
As ground forces advance, they would be able to secure passages for griffons to fly through to reach and support them.
Griffon pilots would have limited time (sorta like guild rush but much shorter) to fly through hazardous flying puzzles to reach the ground forces and provide air support.

Imagine a horde of monsters like in Tarir meta where enchanted armors were needed to keep them at bay.
Here they're headed to intercept your ground forces but a squadron of griffons can cut them off and bomb their passage so they stay locked outta action.
Ofc this is just an example, but bottom line ground forces can take extra mesures to make things easier for griffon pilots and in return have their lives made easier by them.

Imagine the morale boost seeing a squad of friendly griffon pilots swooping in for some death from above as you're about to reach your enemies.
Or griffon pilots earning their mettle by beating the challenges of flying and dropping their payload, as griffons are far faster and harder to control than skyscales!

Done right it could be big fun!
Also not that i'm suggesting anything but..

Achies for good griffon piloting!
Skins for acclaimed griffon pilots!
*wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

Edited by ZeftheWicked.3076
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