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[Heat The Soul] Quickness should just have a different Quickness duration for each Primal Burst with no ICD


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  • [Decapitate] has less base duration because it has no CD
  • [Flaming Flurry] has slightly more base duration because it only starts cooling down after the long cast time completes
  • [Everything Else] can effectively have the same duration subject to tweaks in later patches


  • PS this is not a replacement for Berserker's horrible playability issues losing a massive amount of it's efficacy every time to loses Berserk mode which is extremely likely for 99% of players


Edited by Jzaku.9765
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im actually wondering why they reworked heat the soul instead of adding these features to bloody roar.


condi berserker was already lagging behind, it didn't really need more taken from it.


entering berserk mode used to give fury through one of the minor traits if i recall, and adding the quickness on burst to bloody roar seems more apt.


removing condi berserker as a contending option for pve just took away more diversity. so now the only real options left are power dps or a lesser boon variant of them.


and the boon variants other classes can bring way better versions of.


i can't even get into pug groups to test out builds in content as trivial as ibs5 or t4 fractals, people are demanding "meta".


they really need to think these things through for the future.

Edited by eXruina.4956
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2 minutes ago, eXruina.4956 said:

im actually wondering why they reworked heat the soul instead of adding these features to bloody roar.


condi berserker was already lagging behind, it didn't really need more taken from it.


entering berserk mode used to give fury through one of the minor traits if i recall, and adding the quickness on burst to bloody roar seems more apt.


removing condi berserker as a contending option for pve just took away more diversity. so now the only real options left are is power dps or a lesser boon variant of it.


and the boon variants other classes can bring way better versions of.


i can't even get into pug groups to test out builds in content as trivial as ibs5 or t4 fractals, people are demanding "meta".

I am extremely confused by this post because:

  • Putting it on [Bloody Roar] means losing [King of Fires] for Condi which is substantially even worse of a trade
  • [Blood Reaction] which is in the same slot as [Heat the Soul] now has additional Condi Damage bonuses slapped onto it for the Condi DPS builds anyway
  • Condi qzerk is substantially better than Power qzerk due to a combination of access to Fb Runes, persisting damage ticks from bursts triggering [Heat the Soul], and not needing 100% crit chance to execute a rotation like power does
  • At least on NA, its extremely rare for anyone to care about what you are playing specifically and they just ask you for your role instead
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52 minutes ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

I am extremely confused by this post because:

  • Putting it on [Bloody Roar] means losing [King of Fires] for Condi which is substantially even worse of a trade
  • [Blood Reaction] which is in the same slot as [Heat the Soul] now has additional Condi Damage bonuses slapped onto it for the Condi DPS builds anyway
  • Condi qzerk is substantially better than Power qzerk due to a combination of access to Fb Runes, persisting damage ticks from bursts triggering [Heat the Soul], and not needing 100% crit chance to execute a rotation like power does
  • At least on NA, its extremely rare for anyone to care about what you are playing specifically and they just ask you for your role instead

Putting it in Bloody Roar means that we could retain Heat the Soul and its bonuses.


Thank you for pointing out the change to Blood Reaction, it was an oversight on my part. Also it does add more Condition Damage than what the old Heat the Soul brought.


Condi QZerk is worse than Power QZerk, it doesn't even come close never did since years ago back when Condi Berserker was actually strong and was topping the dps charts, its a shadow of its former self and doesn't even step up against some support dps builds other classes bring even when built as pure dps.


I WAS queueing during NA but I have no doubt I would encounter this regardless of timezone, its been pretty common for years now, it took me a while before I found groups willing to take me in for my experiments. 😁 But gone are the old days where people purposefully 4-man just so an un-geared cub from the Citadel can get his ascended rings. I will forever cherish the selflessness of the gw2 community of old.


Edited by eXruina.4956
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3 hours ago, eXruina.4956 said:

Putting it in Bloody Roar means that we could retain Heat the Soul and its bonuses.


Thank you for pointing out the change to Blood Reaction, it was an oversight on my part. Also it does add more Condition Damage than what the old Heat the Soul brought.


Condi QZerk is worse than Power QZerk, it doesn't even come close never did since years ago back when Condi Berserker was actually strong and was topping the dps charts, its a shadow of its former self and doesn't even step up against some support dps builds other classes bring even when built as pure dps.


I WAS queueing during NA but I have no doubt I would encounter this regardless of timezone, its been pretty common for years now, it took me a while before I found groups willing to take me in for my experiments. 😁 But gone are the old days where people purposefully 4-man just so an un-geared cub from the Citadel can get his ascended rings. I will forever cherish the selflessness of the gw2 community of old.


Very curious as to where you get your info from - and even more confused that you seem to value the 120~240 condi damage [Heat the Soul] used to give you over [King of Fire]'s 33% Burning duration which makes up ~55% of condi Berserker's damage profile. This is even before factoring in it's secondary effect of exploding Fire Aura pushing that ~55% up to ~60%.

Condi Berserker is pushing 43k DPS in this current patch. It's literally #2 on Snowcrow's Benchmarks. For reference, Power Berserker is approximately 39k DPS. The reason you never see it played is the same reason Berserker in general isn't played and these reasons affect both variants about the same. 

For all the reasons I stated before, Condi qZerk is much better at Power qZerk.

I'm guessing that you're going off your own gut feeling from tests you've conducted yourself without looking at what other people are doing. Innovation is great and all but I'd really look at what people are currently doing to make sure I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel as a square shape. 


Also, just join groups and say "qdps". 99% of groups won't question you if you don't give them reason to by giving them some spiel about how you're doing experiments. Just make sure you're accurately monitoring your own performance with arcdps or something.  

Edited by Jzaku.9765
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