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Raid Training Guilds?

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I recently returned to the game, and would really like to find a guild that regularly does raids/raid training.  I was in one in the past, and have about 50% of the legendary raid armor collection unlocked, and would like to try to get it fully unlocked.  I'm VERY rusty on all raids though, so I do not feel comfortable joining any "experienced" groups.

Most of the raiding guilds I've found either do raids only on Saturdays (I'm usually out/busy on the weekends), or at really bad hours for me (like 11pm EST).  I would love to find something that has weeknight raids, and ideally more than 1 per week.  I'm generally free between 8-11pm est.  If there are any guilds I can join to restart my raiding journey, please let me know!


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