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Why are they nerfing Mirage?


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On 8/15/2023 at 1:42 AM, Burnfall.9573 said:

As a former Mesmer Profession player; one shotting multiple players is not acceptable

There is nothing to be learn here when it is Anet who is solely to be held responsible for Bad Design.

There are a couple of classes that can "one shot" with less buttons to press.

First off any good players will easily dodge one shots from Mesmer ESPECIALLY Virtuoso when the projectiles are that slow and openly visible. 

Second the term "one shot" has been used sooo many times that it lost its true meaning. One shot would be release deadeye with death judgement, or pre-nerf backstab, or even ranger rapid fire.

Third, ANY class can "one shot" multiple targets when landing multiple skills in succession, just to name easier ones pretty much the whole line of guardian class and revs. 

Lastly, In order for a Mesmer to "one shot" it has to pretty much put all their skills on CD which makes them susceptible to attacks, Mesmers are kamikaze, if they miss the kill they will be killed shortly because they blew all their CD for the kill unlike other classes who can do the same and still have survivability to run away from. Playing a glass cannon build is high risk high reward this is especially relevent to Mesmer class because our CDs are naturally high, unlike the current boonball meta with celestial gears.

This isn't bad design, Virtuoso/Mesmer in general is already a handicap for players to dodge a burst, there are clear tells of when a Mesmer is going to burst, again players are too ignorant to learn the class, ANY Mesmer main will not have any issues with a "one shot". To claim that you are a "former" Mesmer player and that you don't even know these basic facts is quite telling what kinda player you were.

Edited by Salt Mode.3780
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