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No credit for world boss events

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As of the 25th, I've been seeing a rather frequent occurrence where I will not be granted any form of credit whatsoever for a world boss kill. So far, primarily Maw Shaman and Jungle Wurm. (Kneejerk reaction is: "Must be DR!" but, see below.)

So far I've had four different characters (across two different accounts) that have not been given ANY credit--event XP/Karma/coin nor daily boss kill bonus chest--for fully participated world boss kills. While some of the affected characters are hopping from world boss to world boss more or less exclusively, none of them are repeatedly doing the same boss in the same zone over and over to the exclusion of all else. Having said that, DR should not be kicking in like this, anyway. DR will reduce the participation awards but not go from 100% one day to completely ignoring your participation the next. Gradually shifting to getting heavily reduced participation awards and not getting the boss chest if DR has progressed that far makes sense, but this is not what's happening here. Every single time this has happened lately, I have been at the event from start to finish, have gotten drops from the Shaman itself every time (Wurmy doesn't drop goodies, of course), but have not gotten a daily boss chest (when it would be appropriate), nor any participation popup. Functionally, it's as if I wasn't even there...except the game always recognizes that I've tagged the Shaman enough to drop its loot.

Worth noting is that two of these characters had done only a few world boss kills during the prior week and other general node farming and occasional dynamic events, i.e. not a lot of recent playtime for them). There is no way DR could set in that fast even if they both did nothing but the one world boss 3 times in a row. No, this can't be DR, or at least not properly functioning DR.

Something else is wrong here.

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Thanks. I'll keep that in mind. For whatever reason, the rest of yesterday went 100% fine. All the characters that were affected initially went back later in the day and got full credit (including full XP/etc. from the event, implying DR was not the issue) for the same bosses. If it happens again, I'll try what you suggested.

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