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[NA] LF Place To Call Home


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Hello there folks!

I'm just getting back into GW2 while on break from FF14 and looking for a medium sized guild to call home. Although I have technically played since beta, I took several years break around HoT and lost that account so I cant really call myself a veteran/knowledgeable. There's a lot that I have either barely or never experienced in game and I'm hoping to find a group of tight-knit folks to experience these with and learn from!

Looking for 18+/adult groups and I'm pro Discord use, but hope to see in game chat used too.

Im on CST time zone and I tend to be a late owl.

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Hiya, @Sindalari.4870!  If you're still looking, you might be interested in the guild I lead, Café Solidarity.  We're a medium-sized guild, and although we have a couple younger members, most of our folks are 18 or older.  If we sound like we might be a good fit, please feel free to check out our recruitment post, which has instructions on how to join. 🙂


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