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have the changes affected your rank with the same build?


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the build i have always used and still will because i enjoy the playstyle. however the consequence to that is i was always stuck in gold tier 3and every now and again breaking into Platinum  been that way for years and i am fine with that has long has i have fun. however since the update i have went from tier 3 to being stuck in tier 2 gold and every now and again braking into tier 3. has your build changed your ranking for better or worse?

Edited by trunks.5249
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34 minutes ago, trunks.5249 said:

the build i have always used and still will because i enjoy the playstyle. however the consequence to that is i was always stuck in gold tier 3and every now and again breaking into Platinum  been that way for years and i am fine with that has long has i have fun. however since the update i have went from tier 3 to being stuck in tier 2 gold and every now and again braking into tier 3. has your build changed your ranking for better or worse?

This is happening to everyone.

This is because the population is really really small now, so the rating margins do not stretch like they used to.

It's like this:

When you have only 10 players queueing games being sorted randomly amongst each other every game, the strong players eat the same wins & losses as the weaker players. The strong players gain far less on wins than they take on losses, and the weaker players being carried are gaining more on wins than they are losing on losses. This greatly shortens the margin of difference in rating between strong players and weaker players. When we used to have hundreds of players queueing at any point in time during the day, margins would realistically stretch between about 1700 down to around 1000, without win trading involved. But now due to such low population and the effect I described, the realistic margins of play are looking more like 1550 down to around 1200, where anything above 1550 becomes questionably win traded, and 1200 is the new low because bad players are always in games with good players to carry them.

Another way to look at it is that if only 10 players play, there are only 10 ranks labeled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. But if there are 100 players playing, then a system would have to rank them from 1 to 100. Do you see what happens here? As the population decreases, the margin of difference in labeled rating also shortens into a tighter median. In another year or so, the 1550 - 1200 is going to look like 1475 high and like 1250 low.

Right now, Gold 3 is the new Plat 1 and Plat 1 is the new Plat 2. That's really what is happening.

Also, anything approaching actual 1600 Plat 2 rating or higher, is manipulated. There is no longer any way to organically solo/duo queue past about 1575 realistically. Population is way too small and it will throw you garbage games that cannot be carried, regardless of how good you are.

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