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[RESOLVED] Bugged Fishing

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Greetings, I have a bug concerning my fishing power, I have just 775% Fishing Power instead of the wanted 925%! I even had just around ~6xx fishing power until it gone up to 775% FP because of either staying on someone else skiff or because I helped going to 99 stacks from scratch.

I checked again my buffs and my slotted items with team members, and even ate other kind of food but I'm still missing at least 150% fishing power.

Fishing Masteries +100%
Food +150% (Suchi)
Fishing on a full tank buff +100%
Fishing Rod +25%
Fishing lure +100 (Amber something)
Fishing Bait +100% (scorpion)
Fishing Tips +50%
Fishing Party buff +99 stacks 300 % (I don't have full skiff masteries, so i use a party then get my stacks buff from a team member first before starting fishing on my own skiff)

This problem happened to me on Desert Oasis, I switched instance and tried to re-log but the problem persist.


[EDIT] -----------------------------------

Nevermind, I resolved the problem. It was not a bug, if you don't have the skill mastery unlocked, you'll only get half the FP hence my problem when borrowing a skiff.
This is not noted in-game and very few players are aware of this, I found it on the wiki.

Edited by Messiah.9073
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