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[EU] Wandering Roleplayers

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Welcome to the Wandering Roleplayers
(Guild established 2016)

We are a group of EU roleplayers, who play on the EU servers, that needed a way of finding each other when the Megaservers were implemented. We are an out of character hub for any roleplayer that wishes to join, and offer taxi services, as well as having our own community RP events in game, and members with links to other guilds.
We are *not* an in-character Guild, just a group of people who roleplay who use the Guild and the Discord to chat, organise meet-ups in game, and discuss events, character ideas, roleplay ideas, share costumes, Lore, and basically, everything!

We are a welcoming guild, with both veteran roleplayers, and those new to it and the game. 

When we're not roleplaying we also have groups that run fractals, dungeons, PvE content, as well as dabble with PvP and WvW. 

You can find us on our Discord Server if you would like to join us for chatting, or ask for an invite to the Guild - there's no pressure! 

Edited by Kallandra.2610
Changing Discord Link
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