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LS4 Eye of The Brandstorm is just broken...


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I can't be the only one who is getting problems with this....Why has this been shipped in such a good forsaken state:

  1. Allies don't spawn in & if they do they just stand there in a default animation
  2. Enemies dont die, get stuck on 0% just hacking at your legs
  3. Impossible to dodge AoE, and even if you are out of the attack box you get memed by it anyway
  4. Wyvern boss break bar not decreasingTo name but a few...

Please tell me someone else is having these problems...

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Well, I never made it past the 3 Lt mobs in fight just inside the town gate. Tried to target the crystal pillar, but it would not take damage and its no use targeting the mobs marked with green Xs because they have a reflective barrier around them, which can only be taken out by killing the crystal pillars.

The mobs are so dense that just as soon as I kill one off 2 or 3 take its place. And to make it even more frustrating, the NPCs that are supposed to help just stand around doing nothing but rezzing you if you go down. Not a lot of help ...it would be nice if the AI for these NPCs actually worked to help instead of ignoring what's happening around them.

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@Olldor.9572 said:

  1. Allies don't spawn in & if they do they just stand there in a default animation
  2. Enemies dont die, get stuck on 0% just hacking at your legs
  3. Impossible to dodge AoE, and even if you are out of the attack box you get memed by it anyway
  4. Wyvern boss break bar not decreasing
  1. Agree, they want to make you feel like you tackle the danger with companions but the AI is so bad.
  2. Didn't get this problem, my only issue is that some of those enemies deal insane amount of CC/damage with no indication that something is going to stun you for 5 seconds...
  3. This might be latency issue, on your screen you might be ouside of aoe but server still sees you inside.
  4. You are not supposed to break the bar. You need to destroy 3 crysta;s and it breaks instantly.
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