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What specific content are you asking about? Tower of Nightmares and Battle for Lions Arch (LWS1) are group content, the actual story instances of most of the content are able to be cleared solo (I used Druid, do not recommend with staves). Some content (like with HoT) may be more difficult or require knowledge of game mechanics (do you know what Defiance is, do you know how to break defiance?) and not just "I'm going to ignore these and just blast away and win." scenarios. Some of the map events (preferably anything with an elite class identifier like Champion, usually marked with [Group]) are designed to be done as a group because the numbers are too big for 1 player to reasonably output.

Just saying "I'm dying over and over" is vague and unhelpful for anyone to actually answer a question on. IF you are reading the internet and using builds that have no sustainability (vitality, toughness), you might find those builds are not helpful to newer players because when you are learning, you will take damage and make mistakes. Celestial (as average and unfocused as it is) can manage most content while you decide on a direction to take your build.

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LW does have some annoying moments. Like mentioned above Tower of Nightmares and Battle for LA there's also anything that involves a White Mantle mob because those guys are obnoxious af. Seriously every single mob has some gimmick on top of the usual CCfest that is GW2. Also, you're gonna die, GW2 just seems to do this thing where it will throw you into a boss fight and do the bare minimum to tell you what needs to be done, 99% of the time you have to read the bosses/mobs invuln stat by their name to figure out what needs to be done. 

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9 hours ago, trunks.5249 said:

sorry you are having trouble most of us figured out how to kill everything when all of that went live years ago

Almost like some people are new to the game. I don't understand your point if you even have one. I'm going to guess that you don't though.

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On 9/3/2023 at 2:14 AM, CSArmory.8319 said:

Almost like some people are new to the game. I don't understand your point if you even have one. I'm going to guess that you don't though.

I think it was supposed to be a rather tactless way of saying that players who did the content when it was new figured it out without any of the benefits and guidance available today. Therefore the fact OP is having a problem is a player issue rather than a game issue.

A point is being made, just not a very helpful one.

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On 9/3/2023 at 3:14 AM, CSArmory.8319 said:

Almost like some people are new to the game. I don't understand your point if you even have one. I'm going to guess that you don't though.

Almost like the ones doing the guides only had the game interface to go on when figuring out and writing  the guides.

I wonder how they did that when it was new to everyone.

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