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Knowledge of the Elders Achievement Bugged/Uncompleteable if You Did The Burden of Choice Shadowstone Achievement [Merged]

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am also unable to see the seers artifact in Isgarren's quarters POI. Looking on the round table behind the elder dragon researcher in the right back corner. No interaction dialogue comes up in that area, either. I have completed burden of choice through part 7 right now.

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I went ahead and completed Burden of Choice (b/c why not) and I checked for the seer artifact on the table after completing each remaining step. (8,9, and 10) The artifact never appeared. 

I also talked to Sidony the Shadowkeeper (again couldn't hurt) as the last step was revealed in the achievement panel in the hero menu. I think that is normal but thought why not. 

I then went back to Isgarren's Quarters just to look, and nothing on the table by Niko except a vase with flowers, and an open book.

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