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Ranger Pet: Juvenile Aether Hunter - AI Pet Skills Delay


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As the title indicates, the new SotO pet, the Juvenile Aether Hunter's AI skills are bugged.

Issue Observed

- All pet AI skills have a delay of ~4 seconds before casting right after the pet is activated. This looks to be the same or similar issue to when the EoD pets released and had this same delay on the AI skills.

Character Setup:

- Untamed

- Beastmastery Traitline

The only testing I've done so far has shown that this is an issue both when swapping out of combat and when swapping in combat. I haven't tested this on any other ranger specs or outside of the beastmastery lines. I also haven't set the AI pet skills to auto-cast to test that either. I also haven't tested any of the EoD pets to see if they reverted.

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They need to fix the overall pet delay they introduced with EoD; many, many times pets will not respond because they cannot self-cancel actions anymore, must wait for skill queue. 

I believe this is probably what contributes to the delays in the new pets too, as there is some code in there waiting for a response and so the pet does nothing in the interim.  

If they are going to make time to continue nerfing soulbeast they need to fix these pet responsiveness issues; if not, I assure you SoTO will be the last xpac I buy, because as a dev myself, I'm done supporting devs doing nothing.

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Updating for more information surrounding the issue:

All core and elite spec combos tested. Nothing traitline specific. (Mainly was concerned about beastmastery pet swap cd reduction)

In combat, out of combat, and unmerge from soulbeast all have the same delay, pointing to a pet summon.

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