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Neglected Living World Season 2

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I went back and did about half of the story quests for LWS2 today. Nearly half of them have bugs, mostly revolving around the required events. They cant be completed, or are clearly not meant for one person, or you cant initiate an event because the NPC's wont talk to you... its just such a mess.

This stinks of neglect. Anet has put all of their efforts into the current content, which is GREAT - until your older content is broken and unplayable.I have had trouble with:Breaking the Ice - Killing the bosses and destroying the totems doesn't end the event.Uprooting the Iron marches - The events are buggy. The wolfs in the wolf event will disappear and re-appear. The quest npc's will occasionally bug and not let you continue until a certain amount of time has passed. And these events were CLEARLY not meant to be completed alone. This content should be revisited and fixed, given that no one does this stuff in groups like when it first came out.

On top of that, a lot of the instances in that season are... sloooooooow. Like a character will finish a sentence and youll sometimes wait for like 10-15 seconds before someone else continues to speak.All of these problems have occurred before and up to The Dragon's Reach, Part 1. I'm not looking forward to find out what happens in the second half of the content.

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You can't complete The Dragon's Reach part 1 - that last wave of Svanir never shows up so the event just keeps failing.....As a returning player that missed season 2 I'd like to be able to play through it and not have to read about what happened prior to starting season 3. First really frustrating thing I've run into since coming back to this game :(

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It's not just S2 that's a mess.Right now lots of events, achievements, legendary scav hunt quests, items, skills, balance, appearance.. so many things not working, not checked through and generally its become a real mess all round imo.

I am always saying show me an MMO that doesn't have issue and bugs cos yeah they do, but the spread of issues now has grown beyond that excuse for sure and needs some boot to backside action imo.QA has never been this games strong point and right now all facets of the game are suffering because much of ANET's focus appears to be centred around gemstore stuff meaning a lot of game breaking, progression halting stuff gets thrown to the wayside... it's a real shame and can't be an attract proposition for potential new players or players looking to return.

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