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  1. Honestly you can put as many updates as like you have but the issues are still very much a thing... why have I and my guild mates gone from playing Kormir's Library to now find us put on Palawadan. Add to that you have deleted 3 teams from the EU matchup totally... now looks like ANET have done this to mask the fact they have pushed all those players to increase populations. In fact this whole new WR just now feels like a mask to hide the fact ANET didn't want to actually force close original servers as populations dwindled and just randomised their names to this current mess. Well if ANET wanted to kill the gamemode, they have certainly got that much right for sure, cos I cant see how this iteration of the mode is going to keep players motivated anymore...
  2. OMG What a complete and utter mess WvW has become... this is just totally whacko. Started on Kormir's Library tonight, logged out for dinner came back now we are Palawadan... seriously, not even the same matchup and where are the 18 teams for EU now... this is just complete amateur hour garbage... time to headout of WvW for sure now and maybe the game.
  3. Second week running I 've spent like a few hours total to get the 6 weeklies done then got out again.. my favorite gamemode is wrecked and no longer feel the need to wadte time in it. Whoever thought these changes were a good call should at the very least be made to run laps a couple of marathons 1 week to the next and put a 1000 push up in between .. maybe then they might realise what a crapshow this mode has become under their watch.
  4. We all know that isn't going to happen.. Anet have a really poor record of actually doing anything about hackers, exploiters, AFK macro'ers, double box bots etc etc Heck go run a few pvp rooms and see how many bots are sitting in spawn and getting targeted by the bot controller and his other +2 bots in the bonus event . The whole game, not just just WvW is rife with it because ANET have been so not interested in fixing the problems EDIT - Current matchup we have a couple of players using portal hacks on Gyala Hatchery, combined with speed infite heals... when called out all they said was "dont care F2P farming accounts so don't care and ANET don't care either and wont do anything"... just about sums it all up, not even sure why I bothered to report them tbh cos actually they were kinda of right.
  5. Tanking matchups and karma trading have always been a bad part of WvW and always will be ... RoS were masters at tanking matchup to get easier fights, because fighting T1 and even T2 meant they might actually have to play WvW not just a few GvG organised 30minute personal pleasure time.
  6. What I feared about WvW has come to fruition imo - its become a tragic waste of time even loading into the gamemode now... how many years have ANET spent to get to this pile of dolyak poop. Out of whack balance in the matchups, with halve of the matchups empty after the first hour of reset because of the obvious imbalance, now scoring messed up, total whack job defense nerfs further demoralising under populated teams... its become both a joke and a nightmare all in one.
  7. Got a guildy getting issues with API keys on things like GW2 Efficiency. I have also tested my API keys and while most are fine there are a few that are now not valid on the wiki and they have been working for ages without issue, SO might there be some issue with it or are ANET doing some work with it and its maybe messed up some of the progression parts of the system because that's what I am seeing.
  8. Or in players bowels with the rest of the bad stuff 🙂
  9. Another week in WvW paradise on Gayla Hatchery. Please bring back the old system, at least when running on RoS there were actually people on the server even if they were the worst of toxic turnips most of the time.
  10. Absolute Garbage.. no coverage, totally out of balance, no community cos everything is now private tagged unless your able to discord for the 30minutes there is any kind of content, which is normally just a mates smash n grab before its back to not being able to defend or capture anything due to unbalanced matchup. Must admit I did actually see a waypoint finally in our keep late on today.
  11. Story telling is definitely good in GW2 imo, but sadly that is overshadowed massively in Openworld by the large swathes of AFK Bot farms that now infest the maps and ANET just simply ignore it even though it breaks map events, spols the map ambience and not to mention the manipulation of unbound, volatile magics which has forever altered the TP landscape and wealth pools by the hoards of cheats in the game. So yeah going back and redoing story is great but the underlying issues that ANET continually choose to ignore make GW2 less and less fun for me nowadays.
  12. No words I can really add to this post that reflect anything more positive than what's already been put down... just a rushed through, rehash of stuff with very little creativity unless of course you consider herding large numbers of players into a small area then filling it with endless aoe.. just a graphical nightmare and no fun which when you consider the poor return for the time and effort once more... nah this just isn't the ANET story or graphical quality I have been fed all these years, this is just a rushed out, thoughtless mess put out to open up more endless grind for the next shiny ... how many rifts we gunna have to grind now, how many meta runs to zombie through.... after you do the 15minutes story update of course. Cant wait for the WvW mess that's on the horizon if this is anything to go by.
  13. ANET's policy on cheats, hackers, AFK farm bots etc is just to ignore all reports and let it carry on regardless.. its been this way for a long time now.. that's why you see swathes of AFK farmers on every map, thief hackers in WvW, under surface hacks etc etc.. they simply dont care about the state of the game, only the gem store sales matter. A certain hack site is having a field day on sales of their hacks these days. What was a great joke was when they updated the ToS EULA a few weeks back.. not worth the paper it was written on. They should of released that stuff on 1st April for greater effect though.
  14. Well at least we got that straight.. not that it really means much with the sheer amount of bot farms all over every map these days and the plethora of, multi box AFK farmers ruining events.. the EULA seems pointless for much of its wording these days.
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