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[NA] Long time casual player desperately seeking safe place to finally experience the game


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Hi, everyone. I have been playing intermittently since HoT launch. There is a lot of this game I have not experienced entirely because I am, to put it bluntly, a coward. Even making this post is hard. My social anxiety has prevented me from sticking with any guild for longer than a week. I have spent most of my time in this game sad to be playing alone, but terrified of doing anything with anyone else. I'm not sure why it is that I have this hangup in a game which I have mostly gotten under control irl, but it has prevented me from experiencing this game to the degree that I really wish I could. 

All this to say I am trying to put myself out there again. I am north America based, central time zone. I don't have any weeknight availability before 6pm central, but am typically available most weekends at whatever time. I main a power quickness herald because I wanted to be as useful as possible to people. I'm in full ascended with no infusions because I've not done the fractals to acquire them. 

All I want is to get to experience the game with people. I love this game but it's grown very lonely and I need patient folks who will be understanding and help me cultivate the skills I need to be a valuable part of a team. Skills I would have had ten times over by now if I had been playing with people from the beginning. 



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Hi Ursa!

Social anxiety is definitely hard. I would love to chat with you more about our guild and see what you think. The reason I highlight it is due to its size, the fact we offer training for anyone, and are willing to help anyone succeed in their endeavors. Feel free to hit me up in game! We also run our events at 6 p.m. PST, which I think would fit you well.


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Social anxiety is definitely hard. I would love to chat with you more about our guild and see what you think. The reason I highlight it is due to its size, the fact we offer training for anyone, and are willing to help anyone succeed in their endeavors. Feel free to hit me up in game! We also run our events at 6 p.m. PST, which I think would fit you well.


Edited by occi.7089
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Hiya, Ursavonbursa!  I sent you an in-game mail, but I wanted to reach out here, too.  The guild I lead, Café Solidarity, has some members with social anxiety, and we are super kind and patient and understanding with helping people build connections together.  We would love to have you in the guild!  Here's our Discord: https://discord.gg/rWTKRbP 💖

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