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Wizard Vault rewards compared to previously login rewards


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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

There's so many minidungeons in the game. What makes the Spirit Vestibule so special that it shows once per week in dailies, and Long Way Around that it had to repeat when most of other core minidungeons have not got their place in the spotlight yet?

I'd really want to see the design intentions behind picking some of the dailies over the other options available.

This is part of what puts a lot of people off, I think. The fact that the options for getting the (actually pretty good) rewards are either buggy, the same ones come up over & over, or it's some kind of content that cannot be re-rolled or skipped in favor of something preferable.

I have no problem at all with the rewards part of the Wizard Vault! The options for getting there are definitely a mixed bag, however. Some days, you get them by simply existing, as mentioned up above. Other days, you have bugged content and stuff you either don't have time for (pug a dungeon) or absolutely hate (jumping puzzles), with no way to go with something else. This is more an issue with the dailies than the weekly/other tabs, but the "questionable content choice" thing does affect them to a lesser extent.

Honestly, if they would just add a "re-roll" button to each daily listing it could resolve a lot. You'd get one re-roll per day and as soon as you use it that's what you're stuck with until tomorrow so may RNGesus smile upon you...BUT you got a different option to do for the rewards. I'd say the weekly/other are diversified enough to not need it, but the dailies could definitely use either more options from which to choose, or a way to re-roll one or more of them.

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