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If you find stealth to be bad, then the fix would be


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Removing stealth from all classes, and replacing their stealth with a block, protection, blind or superseded, possibly a combination.

For every class that is NOT thief.

Thief stealth should be rework not to be invisible, but more of a glimmering cloak form that can still be seen but , bit initially will still detarget, and reduces the damage for the Thief. Like shadowform but not invuln. Allow the stealth attacks to work based off that.

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How are people having so much issues with stealth? Just because you cant see them doesnt mean they're not there. You can still anticipate where they will move and when they will attack, and return with AOE cleave, preemptive blocks etc. if they stealth in combat around you. The duration isn't infinite either. 

Yeah getting hit by a burst by a scrapper or mesmer directly from stealth might feel unavoidable, but in most cases having game awareness and looking at your map/killfeed would've told you they were coming your way because if anyone on your team has got eyes on the person they will show up on the map.


If you're close and your team just died mid, you can see them move towards close before disappearing into stealth. Maybe time to get prepared? Put some AOE's down, pop some stability, get your defensive weapon set out.

If you're far and they came from spawn? Then they must have died 15 seconds earlier and you didn't pay attention to the kill feed.

Stealth isn't the issue, it's game awareness - or rather, lack thereof.

Edited by Marckan.9526
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