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Returning Player - Expansions?


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Hi all. Sorry for the dumb question, but it's been quite I while since I played (beta through a few months after launch) and I was thinking of playing again.. I was wondering if there was any point in picking up the expansions if I'm planning on starting a new character. Looking at the expansion pages on the website, it seems that it's mainly geared towards level 80 progression? Thanks.

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Heart of Thorns gives you access to the Revenant profession which is not available otherwise. Other than that, yes they are aimed at Level 80.

My suggestion would be to play through Tyria and level up your character to see if you really do like the game. Any hero points you over the requirement for levelling will not be wasted if you do decide to grab one or both expansions.

Oh, and welcome back. I hope you do decide to stay. :)

  • Thanks @Tanner Blackfeather.6509. I didn't know that.
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Thank you very much for your reply. I just logged in after reinstalling and actually have a few level 80s I had forgotten about (for some reason I thought level cap rose), but it's been so long I really just want to start over. :) I appreciate the info, I'll start fresh and see how I like it this weekend.

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Any expansion unlocks the Revenant profession.

Unless you want to play one now, you can absolutely wait with getting any expansion - everything in them requires at least one lvl 80 character.I strongly support leveling up a new character if you've been gone a long time - it'll bring you back in effectively yey doesn't take very long.

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Uhm, try the game again. If you really liked it and really really want to get an expansion I would suggest both. But if you do not want to buy both, then that is a tough choice. Both expansions have their own sellability (if that is a word). But if I were to choose I will first buy POF just to unlock the mounts (because you already have level 80) and continue leveling a new character to 80 and enjoy Tyria in a different light... and faster...

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If your current characters are reaally old, you'll notice that (mostly story) rewards got a little better for new characters, a good reason to start a fresh toon :) It's more polished. Expansions are lvl 80, but each of them make traveling through the (new) content more convenient.Expansion (+season story) have their own currencies besides karma and gold. Sometimes you need to research a culture before being able to trade with them (mastery).Imo the expansions are a musthave. Even if there's no level increase, it offers you so much. Lots of account unlockables with convenience in return. Very rewarding.Can't tell you about fractals/raids etc. But even for open world PvE these expansions are very worth it!

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