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[EU][LFM] Raid Static-Discord Based. Semi-Exp


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Hello, fellow gamers!

We're on the hunt for dedicated players to join our static! We're a Discord-based team with no guild slots required. If you're passionate about raiding and meet our criteria, we'd love to have you on board. 

Schedule (4:30 PM CET) 2-2.5hrs a day
Monday- W5-7 FC 
Tuesday - W1-4 FC
Friday - Raid/Strike CM Progression

Roles we are looking for
- 1x Alac Heal . (be able to do flak kiting in sabetha, pushing in sh and kite (g2) in dhuum )
- 1x DPS (Mesmer enjoyer for portals/pulls) 
- 2x DPS (special roles such as hk, q1 kite, q2 pylons, lamp is nice but not a mandatory requirement)

Requirements to join
- Commitment to schedule. Please be prepared to join 80% of our runs if not all. 
- Decent experience on all raid bosses in normal mode for the role you play. 
- Punctual and be patient. We are chill a group but know when to chit-chat and when to focus.
- Communication. Join voice even if you do not speak. Be willing to do/learn mechanics and special roles when needed

What you can expect
- Rather relaxed atmosphere but we do strive to improve our kill time with every run.
- Full clear for raid wings within a reasonable time.
- Other contents, especially Strike CMs will be added to the schedule soon 

Message me on discord #xeinnos for a quick reply as I do not open this forum often. 

Edited by SLOTH.8029
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