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Actual non-troll question about sigils


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I guess it depends on your build. On a bursty build with a lot of ferocity the intelligence sigil is likely to run you more damage up front, especially since it may let you guarantee criticals on specific high coefficient skills. The exposure sigil can be seen as a straight 5% damage increase for 5 seconds. Naturally this is going to further increase the damage of your criticals if you have other ways to guarantee them landing on high damage skills.

Overall I think the actual difference between them may be almost negligible outside of a controlled environment. But I think intelligence will give you more consistency if you have a lot of control over when your high damage skills land, whereas exposure is probably the better choice when playing more passively or on a less bursty build.

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9 hours ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

What would be better for doing damage against an enemy with a dagger/warhorn combo in terms of sigils? Right now running with intelligence (next 3 attacks have 100% crit chance) and battle (4 stacks of might)-, not sure how exposure (vulnerability) stacks up against those.

Sounds like your warrior arc has begun

Have fun. 

Intelligence is a good choice.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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43 minutes ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Blood reaper build from guild gen, been trying to optimize it a little more



Get on warrior.

If its reaper you may want exposure instead, base damage on dagger is low, your burst is in shroud. Could just roll courage though. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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Remove dagger mainhand and use axe. You already have a melee weapon which is your shroud. Axe pumps soo much more dmg while being at a range. You could run exposure, exploitation, or intelligence if you want more dmg. Battle does work good with your might trait in reaper. Changr the dagger trait in blood as well. The sigils on staff are fine though. Can put cleansing over any of those but what you got on imo is a good choice. Can run lynx or a pure dmg rune than what you got. Depends on if you think you need the vit or not.

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