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The Husky House Recruiting Permanently Closed

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  • Head Hunter Six.9801 changed the title to NA/Adult/ Veteran/New/ The Husky House Is Looking For Players
  • Head Hunter Six.9801 changed the title to The Husky House Is Looking For Players/ NA/PVE/Adult/ Veteran/New Players
  • Head Hunter Six.9801 changed the title to The Husky House Is Looking For Players/ NA/PVE/ Veteran/New Players

While we may be relatively a new guild and defiantly want to grow  but not so much that it becomes impersonal and you just become a number.  Mainly we are a PVE (Player Versus Environment) but we are not opposed to  WvW (World Versus World) or doing  Fractals we do not have all the amenities  Such as a Guild Hall yet, But as we grow we will. Myself and the other Guild leader have been playing since GW1 and GW2 since it began ,What I am looking for is 5 members that know this game that would be immediate officers that are willing to help me build our guild. We have our own Discord and a website coming soon, All levels new or veteran are welcome I  allow kids also as I feel they bring a level of excitement to the guild. I am offering 2 Gold to the players that join and stay active and  stay in the Guild and are willing to contribute to the guild We also have a sister guild (The Meow House) owned by Banrigh.5932( Disa)  who are a lot like us,

So if you want to get in on the ground floor and just have fun please respond to this post.

Edited by Head Hunter Six.9801
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