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[EU Piken Square] [PvX] Kittens Incorporated [PURR] is looking for new kittens!


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Kittens Incorporated was founded a few years ago, but my husband and I mainly used it for our own personal guild, we didn't really have any other members and we were okay with that considering we spent 99% of our time in World of Warcraft anyway (we have played GW2 since launch though - on and off), but that changed a while ago. We got a little bit tired of World of Warcraft and felt the urge to return to Tyria. We tried to recruit some of our World of Warcraft friends/guildies (we're guildmasters of a guild called Kittens Incorporated there too!) to the game, but most of them didn't really enjoy the game, or wanted to focus on WoW ultimately.

We really enjoy our time in Guild Wars 2 though and would really like more people to play with. ๐Ÿ™‚ย  Some things about ourselves and what we can offer:

* Our real names are Jos & Ingmar; we're in our 30's and from the Netherlands.

* Our aim for the guild: a small-ish (our aim is to have like 10-20 active members) social guild filled with people who are interested in more than just the game. We're looking for people who like to be social, who like to talk on discord, so you can get to know the person behind the character aswell. Like a little online safe haven after a long work day.

* We have a discord server which we also use for our WoW community, but it's split into a GW2 and a WoW section so you don't get spammed with WoW messages if you just play GW2. It gives people the freedom to also join our WoW community though in case recruits also enjoy WoW. ๐Ÿ™‚

* We're interested in: Fractals, WvW, sPvP, open world content, doing story content, etc. We'd also be interested in doing raids, but obviously we'd need quite a few extra members to make that happen. It's a long term goal though.

* No obligations....you play what you want to play. Our gamestyle is pretty casual and we just want to have fun. Only able to play once a week? Not an issue. Playing every day? Also fine! Just be yourself and you'll fit right in. The only obligation you have: be respectful to other guildies and we don't tolerate elitism or toxic behavior (but I think that's pretty universal xD).

* Because the guild is fairly new our guild hall is only level 15, but we're actively upgrading it, step by step.

* We're on an EU server: Piken Square

* Obviously we love cats. But we're not a cult, we promise. Really. Really. ๐Ÿ™‚


Soooo yeah, do you want to be part of a new guild from the beginning? This is your chance! Anyone is welcome really, so don't hesitate to send us a message if you're interested or if you have any questions!

Alwayshappy .2549

Arcanum .6730


Edited by Alwayshappy.2549
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  • 2 weeks later...

Veteran player getting the urge to play again. Quit ages ago because I got tired of soloing and never found a guild that I could invest in. Joining a brand new guild sounds like a lot of fun since every other guild I've tried already were maxed out which is kind of boring. Am downloading GW2 rn ๐Ÿ˜›ย so idk if I'm on the same server but I am interested in joining.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

We appreciate everyone who has reached out to us either ingame or here, but unfortunately we have to stop active recruitment as we cannot guarantee activity due to having to manage both our World of Warcraft and Guild Wars 2 guild at the same time.

We've been unable to reach the critical mass required where we can have activity ingame/in chat/discord when we are not organizing things ourselves (which also happens a bit on the WoW side every now and then ๐Ÿ™‚ ). If we do start up recruitment again at some point we'll let you know.

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