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Ley-infused creatures defiance bar bug?

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Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I believe depleting the defiance bar on ley-infused creatures also removes the draining orbs.  If you have stacks of the ley debuff, there's no way to remove them, which seems counterintuitive to the fight.  You're actually penalized for doing the right thing.


Maybe I'm wrong, but I've heard others complain about it too, recently.


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I'm assuming you're refering to the Ley Energy Buildup ability
in which case, It's only Counter-intuitive if you break the defiance bar before removing the debuff.
sure, it's unfortunate if you get the debuff just before the bar break and you're not able to reach an orb in time, but thats what makes these fights a challenge and why they're [group events]

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