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[UI][Feature Request] Demo Gear QoL


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When beta testing the new weapons the Demo Gear Loot Box is very tedious and could be significantly improved.  When you click to open the box you should immediately see stat selection screen.  The player could then choose a stat like Vipers and all the loot dropped would be specced to Vipers.  This eliminates the need to right click and customize every piece of gear individually.  Instead of spending time on all 14 pieces of gear, it would only be a single stat choice.

Additionally, the Demo Gear Loot Box is missing a customizable Back Piece.  That item should be added to the array.

Edited by Icethorn.6570
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Sorry, but this is terrible idea. Like I do not want all gear from Demo Gear Loot Box to have same stats. I will probably not be alone.

I hope you know that some ppl mix stat presets on gear so not all gear is same preset. Current system allow you to actually test things and choose what you want or need.


I would get behind better sigil/rune options and more chests for relics. Cost nothing, no progress so it would become like free testing for anything.

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For those that want mixed stats maybe add a feature that allows us to copy stats for those that want it. 
Expected Behavior would be as follows
I spec my helm into Vipers with a Trapper Rune.
I then Right Click on the Helm and copy stats and it would change all my other gear to Vipers with Trapper Rune.

Because this is demo gear it would have this feature. 
Non beta players would not have this feature.  Unless you wanted to make a way to do this for legendary slots.

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