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can we get shortbow with weak aoe spam on its 1 skill for WvW while it's being reworked?


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or make the mortar kit 1 count a non projectiles so we got a counter to boonball stacking by bypassing the infinite field/shield bubble spam

i'd like to have more than Throw Mine and Glue Shot as option vs Boonball meta 

or make it so Throw mine Strips 5 boons on up to 10 targets  at least , currently its functionally useless .


tired of being forced out of my favorite profession because of poor gameplay design

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 im all ears as to what i am missing  about engineer that would allow me to contribute in any form to group combats in WvWvW  that isnt run  Bunker 

 i dont have legendary armor so i cant just change roles on the go 


lets break it down: our current Offensive non projectile Ranged Aoe:  Pistol 5 ,  Mortar toolbelt, Holo Beam, Mecha Beam, Scrapper Function Gyro and Hammer  

can only have have 2 of these at once all with lenghty cooldowns


Supportive non projectile ranged AoE: Toss Elixirs  except Elite elixir ; Throw Mine 


Comprehensive List of Engineer Boonstrip:


1. Throw Mine - got Purity of Purposed from 3 Boon strip to 1 and had a 99.99% damage reduction 




feels like DPS engi role is to   pre build heat with Photonic blasting modules and play peek-a-Boo   with Holo Beam then scamper off with rocket boots and hide rinse and repeat

as non boon spam bunker i guess we could  kamikaze dive  with rifle 5 now that it evades then aoe pull>holo 5 slam  then pop elixir S and rocket boots  outta there if you somehow survive a round of CC spam


its not that im an idiot that does not know the Engineer profession ,  im just tired of being forced into a boring Meta box or a different profession as a whole 

hell i was one of the idiots that ran a turret army with deployable mortar elite  with an engineer guild after launch for the lols 

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On 1/9/2024 at 3:32 PM, Zzik.5873 said:

Really asking for the only none aoe skill to be replace by an aoe? Are you enjoying mortar gameplay so much that you really really want another mortar kit?

Mortar 1 is an AoE, it just doesn't pulse a field, so i dont see  your point

we need ranged "Non projectile" AoE for WvW  , hence why i mentioned they could just make mortar shots be unblockable/ not count as projectile like Wells such as the shortbow 

at this point i'd be tempted to take HoT Launch scrapper's Well gyros or hell the Beta Mine Kit  we're so lacking in options

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11 hours ago, Rezzet.3614 said:

Mortar 1 is an AoE, it just doesn't pulse a field, so i dont see  your point

we need ranged "Non projectile" AoE for WvW  , hence why i mentioned they could just make mortar shots be unblockable/ not count as projectile like Wells such as the shortbow 

at this point i'd be tempted to take HoT Launch scrapper's Well gyros or hell the Beta Mine Kit  we're so lacking in options

Agree that were lacking range option, but were also lacking gameplay option at this point. Grenade kit, mortar kit, shortbow, at a certain point even bomb kit. They all play similiair. I rather have a beam weapon like mesmer/druid than another god kitten 5 skill aoe kit...

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9 hours ago, Zzik.5873 said:

Agree that were lacking range option, but were also lacking gameplay option at this point. Grenade kit, mortar kit, shortbow, at a certain point even bomb kit. They all play similiair. I rather have a beam weapon like mesmer/druid than another god kitten 5 skill aoe kit...

thinking back story wise it is kinda silly engineers somehow managed to create HARD LIGHT  but couldnt make normal LASERs lol  , but thats a separate discussion i guess.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/8/2024 at 1:11 PM, Rezzet.3614 said:

 im all ears as to what i am missing  about engineer that would allow me to contribute in any form to group combats in WvWvW  that isnt run  Bunker 

There is a holo PBM + flamethrower build for zergs that does just fine:


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On 2/1/2024 at 3:20 PM, H K.4057 said:

There is a holo PBM + flamethrower build for zergs that does just fine:


yeah i run  a different holo build mainly   or  one of other 5 alternative builds ,  problem with the build shown on video is that it 100% relies on stacking on blob  , dont always have that luxury  and sometimes enemy blob is ultra coordinated and composed of nothing but aoe range cc/boonstrip/corrupt spammers  and by the time your blob makes contact its already 60% smaller

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