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A journey through healer warrior: observations


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Ahai, warrior community!

Lately I've taken to the aheal bladesworn as a fun, different approach from more conventional healers: shout at people & blow dat' horn to keep 'em alive. Tempests already had that privilege for a long while, but now they're sharing that niche! Flavor aside, my main character being a mesmer there definitely is room for improvement on my warrior play, but even from theory and the strikes/raids practice I've been getting this month, there are concerns (possibly misplaced, hence this topic) I feel won't be adressed by the coming staff. Note that I hadn't participated to the staff beta topic when it took place, some things here might've already been mentioned!

It may turn into a lengthy read, so for a TL;DR just jump between each of the first sentences per block below. First of all, here's the build I'm using: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwEcEmpsA2FDj5xcxk66O2D-DSJYqR3fZUdVleqq7pBWafzCA-e

Alacrity isn't much of a concern here, it's about getting the rhythm to renew it before the next 20s. Shouts are accessible even in dragon trigger, so healing isn't interrupted if need be; the numbers are great both in direct healing & in barrier; condi cleanses are (very) frequently available in several forms; Lush forest is the cornerstone of the build, allowing frequent CD reductions on top of alacrity and directly fed by the Tactical reload. That way, might can be kept up in high stacks (20+ is ordinary) the same way fury does, Banner of defense provides all the regen you need (and the only regen available right now) thanks to Doubled standards on top of an aegis, and vigor's available on the warhorn with a renewing rhythm similar to alacrity (though obviously lower in priority, since there's another way to replenish endurance). There's also quite some resolution, which makes for a good transition towards the downsides!


First, the topic of stability. While resolution's obviously welcome, its primary acquisition (in the form of Doubled standards) quickly brings the topic of the Banner of tactics as the only source of group stability, in a single stack. While it's mostly used for shockwave mechanics which players can dodge through/jump over, it feels really underwhelming as the closest second method is found in Martial cadence - again a single stack but from a status tied to a 10s CD, which is tied to your dragon trigger use. The main issue in picking it is obvious - there's Vigorous shouts next to it, and that's something you simply cannot disregard! The staff's healing will make it a possible choice, although at the expense of your only vigor source and its condi cleanse as well as both of the warhorn's blast finishers, while Martial cadence still retains its lot of "ifs" for - a single stab stack.

The second issue easy to identify is the protection uptime. That's why I'm using the Relic of the Zephyrite: Tactical reload triggers it for 5s, for a total of 10s protection+resolution. The monk relic would obviously be the best choice here, but in practice the zephyrite one allows me to keep an uptime between 90 & 95% for fewer risks at enduring unprotected hits. The staff will contribute well for the sake of protection, although possibly not making use of its heal+aegis - the tight window without the zephyrite relic may incite wasting it! Bladesworns would have an easier time accessing it thanks to Lush forest, but it could actually prove excessive - although restricted by sheathing the gunsaber. Simply waiting for it to go live to make myself an idea on it!

My third issue would be aegis access. It's litterally gated behind the Banner of defense (which is also the only current source of regeneration), making it a must-have; the bladesworn has plenty of self-aegis contributing to tanking, but even a single extra aegis to cover the group/raid would be welcome so it doesn't become a race between regen uptime & aegis use! The staff will address it, although again from the previous point... it will likely compete with protection uptime.

My fourth is a flat concentration bonus. It's a small thing unrelated to the staff, but especially annoying when running minstrel gear for tanking! While it is available on Roaring reveille, it's directly competing with the current only source of protection: Soldier's comfort! Even on harrier gear, water runes take precedence over monk ones for boon duration's sake, so for minstrel gear it's even more of a no-brainer. Well, at least it makes the tanking job a lot different from the healer, better know what you do though 'cause there's little room to breathe!

The fifth and final issue simply lies in the mainhand weapons. While all autoattacks are useless except the future regen out of staff (already accessible from the Banner of defense), the mace makes for a good tanking tool: its block is welcome (although not the most handy to keep track of - instead of the usual yellow filling bar, blocking is tracked in the boon bar) and the CC compensates the warhorn, which has none. However as an ordinary healer, it's a pointless weapon; that's when I use the axe, having an ammo skill to feed Lush forest while its projectile finisher (+whirl on the axe spin) can contribute to condi cleansing. Cleanses are aplenty though, so it almost never sees any use leaving only the ammo axe throw - better than nothing, if otherwise useless! There's no real mainhand complimenting the warhorn here, but potentially a future opportunity for the next weapon mastery? Swing a scepter like a caveman would swing a club, 'cause warriors ain't got no magic. Solutions!

A final word on the warhorn itself: while the Call of valor is a precious and outstanding skill as well as the only source of vigor, Charge definitely has uses in PvP/WvW but in PvE... well, that's nearly meaningless. A competitive split could work wonders here! Quickness supposedly isn't sourced from an alac provider, and there still are concerns above to be adressed; swiftness can make the difference against a late reaction on spread mechanics or any movement accross the map, but you don't exactly bet on it to begin with when you go about the next fight's tactics. Having Charge as a blast finisher is great for comboing and potential use of the Relic of karakosa (which is getting a nerf soon), but before that there's still the issue about protection & group aegis!


Still reading? Great! Now here are my questions: from your experience in general as warrior, are there things I've overlooked/misunderstood in the five issues I'm identifying above? While I know the staff will completely replace the warhorn soon, it's a shame there aren't really mainhand options to compliment it (besides the mace when tanking) to possibly compete with that coming tool!

While my observations are mostly about current issues & how will the staff adress it, there are still holes in the logic IMO. But before getting to suggestions, I'd like to make sure whether I've been looking at it the right way or not; thanks in advance for your input - and anyway, whether performing well or not as much as other ordinary healer classes, this one's a real blast to play! 🙂

Edited by Mevelios.4809
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5 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

I wonder if we are in the time line where Healsworn becomes a viable and excepted pick.

Again I'm a main mesmer, so let me make that continuum split to reach the proper timeline in which that's possible! 😆

With more seriousness, it's definitely viable although so far, I've only tested it in nm raids/strikes (and few of the easier CMs otherwise, such as CO). Even compared to my ordinary healers (mesmer & ele) the 600 radius makes it far easier to heal/provide boons, if only limited by the current abilities of the warrior (that is, 90 to 95% protection uptime if nobody else provides some or if there's no overflow from the other sub/only a single group aegis/only a single group stab taking a precious utility slot). I wouldn't go as far as saying it would become an "expected pick" because it's no drood/scourge/herald, but it's definitely a proper healer already without the staff! I wouldn't say that much about the qheal zerk sadly, especially since most of its current healing can be found in the Relic of karakosa which is getting a nerf next week - possible through longbow bursts for lengthy fire fields detonated by blast finishers from longbow 3+warhorn skills (makes for 3 stacks of base 20s might per detonation).

The healsworn is easy to learn right now, honestly. After all, it's about one draggon trigger every 20s at least for alacrity (which is not a problem, considering the flow generation and recovery +the opener if you want an immediate cast) and using the shouts+banners+warhorn to keep allies alive and provide boons. The mastery curve is much harder though, and I definitely haven't mastered it - you need to mind the Soldier's focus renewal to make the comfort trait trigger (more for the sake of protection than for its healing, although the latter is obviously welcome); you need to mind the Zephyrite relic timing to ensure as much protection as you can (resolution too, although with your condi cleanse you don't care much for it) depending how fast do you renew the Tactical reload (you could supposedly fire it twice on the 30s window for its CD, obviously in practice it's more like every 35/40s); you should accurately know mechanics not to waste your only group aegis/stab; you should accurately know the boss' pattern not to waste your barriers; and finally there's the focus of the build making it possible, Lush forest, which should only consume the first ammo of every ammo skill you have, which are themselves fed by the Tactical reload (making it feel like a dps rotation, not as punishing as some if you miss something - yet in the current state, there's little room to breathe again for protection uptime).

Since it relies on ammo skills (and only their first use), there's the possibility in an emergency of doubling up your heals in an "oh sh*t" moment. It'll make your CD reductions suffer for a while, but it's still forgiving enough in that regard; you don't even have to rely much on what the accompanying Qdps brings (apart from quickness) unless you really want those missing 5/10% of protection uptime (and some stab if you need more than a single stack every 15/20s). I wouldn't rely on it for HT CM, but so far I'm not having any trouble playing it!

Edited by Mevelios.4809
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3 minutes ago, Mevelios.4809 said:

Again I'm a main mesmer, so let me make that continuum split to reach the proper timeline in which that's possible! 😆

With more seriousness, it's definitely viable although so far, I've only tested it in nm raids/strikes (and few of the easier CMs otherwise, such as CO). Even compared to my ordinary healers (mesmer & ele) the 600 radius makes it far easier to heal/provide boons, if only limited by the current abilities of the warrior (that is, 90 to 95% protection uptime if nobody else provides some or if there's no overflow from the other sub/only a single group aegis/only a single group stab taking a precious utility slot). I wouldn't go as far as saying it would become an "expected pick" because it's no drood/scourge/herald, but it's definitely a proper healer already without the staff. I wouldn't say that much about the qheal zerk sadly, especially since most of its current healing can be found in the Relic of karakosa which is getting a nerf next week - possible through longbow bursts for lengthy fire fields detonated by blast finishers from longbow 3+warhorn skills (makes for 3 stacks of 40s might per detonation).

The healsworn is easy to learn right now, honestly. After all, it's about one draggon trigger every 20s at least for alacrity (which is not a problem, considering the flow generation and recovery +the opener if you want an immediate cast) and using the shouts+banners+warhorn to keep allies alive and provide boons. The mastery curve is much harder though, and I definitely haven't mastered it - you need to mind the Soldier's focus renewal to make the comfort trait trigger (more for the sake of protection than for its healing, although the latter is obviously welcome); you need to mind the Zephyrite relic timing to ensure as much protection as you can (resolution too, although with your condi cleanse you don't care much for it) depending how fast do you renew the Tactical reload (you could supposedly fire it twice on the 30s window for its CD, obviously in practice it's more like every 35/40s); you should accurately know mechanics not to waste your only group aegis/stab; you should accurately know the boss' pattern not to waste your barriers; and finally there's the focus of the build making it possible, Lush forest, which should only consume the first ammo of every ammo skill you have, which are themselves fed by the Tactical reload (making it feel like a dps rotation, not as punishing as some if you miss something yet - in the current state, there's little room to breathe again for protection uptime).

Since it relies on ammo skills (and only their first use), there's the possibility in an emergency of doubling up your heals in an "oh sh*t" moment. It'll make your CD reductions suffer for a while, but it's still forgiving enough in that regard; you don't even have to rely much on what the accompanying Qdps brings (apart from quickness) unless you really want those missing 5/10% of protection uptime (and some stab if you need more than a single stack every 15/20s). I wouldn't rely on it for HT CM, but so far I'm not having any trouble playing it!

I like your vipe. 🤗

But given that this competes with Druid, which gets a big buff with the Mh Mace and the plethora of druids around in general, will probably not see as much play. 

BUT! Atleast an option that would save a loadscreen or too. 

Also, keep up the care and passion. The balance team has lost theirs. 

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8 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

But given that this competes with Druid, which gets a big buff with the Mh Mace and the plethora of druids around in general, will probably not see as much play.

Haha, you forgot to mention getting kicked by the cool meta kids 😋 Reminds me of PoF's release during which it took barely two or three weeks for a few people (myself included) to get the renegade running as aheal, yet since it took one year for the build to appear on meta sites, we were often kicked (with/without insults or "this is no healer" comments).

Honestly, I'm sure indeed it won't see much use 'cause there are other easier, overperforming profiles such as the druid or the scourge. But hey, for whoever fancies a challenge or a new take on how to heal, 'tis thang workz!

I did experiment with the qheal zerk as well, but the results aren't as satisfying - boons are there so it's similar to what the healsworn provides, except sadly protection since the other healer part (y'know, what comes second despite giving its name to the role, the "healing") is heavily tied to the relic of karakosa. Without the zephyrite one, protection uptime falls down to ~70% and having no direct CD reduction the way the healsworn does, shouts struggle to cover the lower healing output +extra damages taken - hence you rely heavily on these blast finishers, and since you want more healing shouts you can't easily afford removing Shake it off to slot in the Banner of tactics, so the cascading effect continues with the lack of stab (Eternal champion obviously isn't shared with allies).

Heat the soul provides fury around and the blast finishers on fire fields are worth (on 100% boon duration) 3 stacks of 40s might each, so removing For great justice could be a thing; longbow projectile finishers in the banners' light fields could cover the condi cleansing while there's still Shrug it off available as a trait to complete that aspect, so even Shake it off could be removed as a utility to make room for the Banner of tactics (although at this point it's your only sources of regen or stab, providing light fields, competing with condi cleansing -a very risky bet- although there's still the warhorn 5 on weapon switch); these don't solve however the issue of having a lower healing potential overall, so the staff would likely become mandatory here IMO - removing most choices available on the build since blast finishers wouldn't be as accessible, so you're back to wanting shouts this time around to provide might instead of working on combos (an oddity here, most of them have been forgotten over time).

There's definitely potential here with a few tweaks, however I definitely need more experimenting with qheal zerk. The suggestions I intended to make a bit later on, depending on the replies of the more experienced warrior community if there are mechanics/traits I missed, would primarily cover things applicable to PvE healsworn (the opinion of PvP/WvW players would really have interest for me here) but I'll also keep zerk in mind!

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I think the biggest issue Bladesworn has is how bad DT because of how vulnerable and stationary you are using it for such an underwhelming reward. the aegis and flicker step are in such a horribly long cd to defend yourself. I understand why aegis in DT is high cd with how strong defender relic is, but the flicker step? come on now its not even an evade there's no reason why it has such a long cd(it should have no charges, but only has 1s cd). DT-reach has pitiful damage to use on an already underwhelming damage ability while DT-boost has quite a long animation from the extra 0.5 activation nerf on top of the long dash animation.

optional fix that would be great.

1.an awesome change for mobility would be to change flicker step into an ability that will anchor you in an area(so it won't be abused to make you like a thief decapping everything) and in that huge area maybe x2 the range of the current flicker step you can flicker step anywhere and as many times as you want but has 1 sec cd, so that dodging DT isn't as braindead easy for people to dodge.


2. to make DT-boost an evade when it dashes.  the way I deal vs bladesworn is literally just wait for them to use DT and I'll just unload on them they just die


3. simply allowing BW continue charging the  DT if you dodge


Edited by BonggangKikay.9576
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  • Mevelios.4809 changed the title to A journey through healer warrior: observations

Alright, time to expand the topic a bit after more thorough testing with qheal zerk! Here's the build I'm using: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwEMKNssA2FDj5xIxk66utD-DSJYqR9fZUdVleqq71BWafzCqA-e

Honestly, I'm surprised I'm just not seeing it anywhere. It's amazing how capable it is at maintaining max might, fury, and quickness uptime; while the inherent warrior issues about aegis, stab & protection availability remain, its ability at dishing out burst skills really ease the spread of quickness & the use of Soldier's focus. Healing remains heavily tied to the Relic of karakosa which has been recently nerfed, although while the impact has proven meaningful it didn't ruin the build; Savage instinct proves also to be a wonderful (and likely too powerful) tool at tanking! Having the mace bursts also provide several CCs to assist the squad, while the warhorn and its blast finishers replace the longbow's Arcing arrow when heals are required (as long as any combo field is available).

Numbers-wise, protection has an uptime of ~70%; longbow's Combustive shot & Scorched earth work wonders at that, since their fire fields also trigger burst-related tools such as soldier's focus. Obviously, relying on the relic of karakosa for healing prevents the use of the Zephyrite one, so protection uptime can't be raised up any further; that frees however the elite skill slot, leaving room for the Battle standard to raise allies in an "oh sh*t" moment should they fall.

Aegis, regen & stab remain locked behind their respective banners sadly, which (should removing Shake it off be necessary to have group stability) makes the healer zerk otherwise really weak on healing without the karakosa relic & blast finishers. While providing so many fire fields can have a great synergy with condi damage dealers using projectile/whirl finishers for free burning, it can also prove troublesome for some key healers such as the engineer, who'll compete with its water fields, and the mesmer, who might have trouble fitting in ethereal fields for extra chaos auras.

The one little quirk about qheal zerk is the radius of Heat the soul (480) differing from the shouts (600), which proves sometimes misleading. Eternal champion isn't a must but provides some comfortable breathing room when bosses phasing prevent building up adrenaline, however just like Savage instinct's line there isn't much interest in both of them for a support profile. On the opposite, discipline's Fast hands & Burst mastery are definitely must-haves there!

Still, it's really fun to play and worth a shot if you'd like to have a new take on healing! It's a lot less pressuring compared to bladesworn's reliance on Lush forest, and more beginner-friendly!

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Alright, time for a few suggestions from those experiences! Please remember those are made with PvE in mind, I definitely don't have the experience to wander into PvP/WvW considering how little I play(ed) those modes.

Clearly, there's no avoiding using the supportive spec that is tactics, as well as the discipline line considering how it empowers banners, provides a healing output bonus and how a faster weapon switch helps both profiles.

However, a few traits IMO are either overtuned, either placed in the wrong spec. The prime example for it would be Stalwart focus, the discipline trait providing extra in & output healing. Here are some suggestions I'd see for the sake of a new, more coherent healer warrior before the staff's release:

Tactics: many changes here, for the sake of bringing tactics in line with most support specs from other professions and leveling its performance.

  • Marching orders: similar mechanic, however instead of three stacks of might, the trait provides protection (see below). Base duration kept as 4s.
    • Leg specialist: kept as-is for the sake of a brawler build.
    • Soldier's comfort: healing maintained, however this trait would provide 3 (possibly 5) stacks of might for a base of 15s instead of the original protection. Basically, boons were traded with Marching orders as protection has too high of a value to be ignored, whereas a smaller source of healing with a few might stacks could be disregarded.
    • Roaring reveille: trait removed (see below). Instead, Warrior's cunning is revised: current effects are removed and take Martial cadence's properties, providing a single stack of group stability for base 3s on use of a burst skill. Lacking inspiration here to find a way to access a single stab without making the Banner of tactics a must-have.
  • Empowered: is removed, replaced by the former discipline's Stalwart focus. Effects maintained: +10% healing received, +15% outgoing healing.
    • Warrior's cunning: is removed, replaced by current Empowered. Deals 1.5% extra strike damages per boon on the character (up from 1%).
    • Shrug it off: trait removed (see discipline). Replaced by Roaring reveille: current effects are removed (see below - no more concentration/fury/resistance here), Charge provides aegis for base 5s, Call of valor provides resolution for base 5s. Possibly 20% CD reduction on these skills?
    • Empower allies: remains as-is.
  • Mending might: trait completely removed. Replaced by Vigorous shouts: healing maintained on shouts, however removal of the power to healing conversion (numbers go really high on harrier gear - too high). Instead, gain 120 concentration (possibly 240, considering several healers get that much).
    • Martial cadence: trait revised. To the limit becomes an ammo skill (2 possible uses, one charge's cooldown set to 24s). Using a healing skill provides resistance in a 600 radius on a 4s base duration (20s CD).
    • Vigorous shouts: trait removed since it's been moved. New trait: (First aid/Field medic?) makes weapon autoattacks (or chain finisher, including bladesworn's gunsaber 1) provide a base 4s regeneration in a 600 radius. (might then be worth looking at the beta staff's autoattack to possibly make it similar to revenants' staff - small heal on autoattacks instead of regen on finisher only)
    • Phalanx strength: remains as-is.


Discipline: only few changes here, affecting exclusively the support traits.

  • Versatile rage: kept as-is.
  • Fast hands: kept as-is, obviously.
    • Doubled standards: resolution removed from initial placement, instead banners provide base 4s regen from every pulse. 50% effect improvement (understand: duration) remains as-is.
    • Destruction of the empowered: kept as-is.
    • Brawler's recovery: kept as-is. Could possibly be replaced by a condi trait, since Shrug it off (above) takes the relay on condi cleansing +stunbreak? Won't go further into that, since it's not my topic here.
  • Versatile power: kept as-is.
    • Axe mastery: kept as-is.
    • Heightened focus: I did write I wouldn't touch anything but supportive traits, however this one really has no use in my eyes (but maybe I've missed something). Could definitely offer something instead for condi builds which are Czerk, Czerk or Czerk - and really shines only if it takes the discipline spec for the faster weapon swap.
    • Burst mastery: kept as-is, on support builds it's a massive help. Not as much for healsworn, but healzerk really has use for it - not an absolute need, but close to it.


Berserker: a single tweak to bring in line all boon AoEs, to avoid making it a guess game whether you can provide your quickness or not.

  • Heat the soul: radius increased to 600 (from 480). Alternatively: all heal/boon AoEs of the healer warrior could be reduced to a 480 radius (bit of a shame, but 600 is massive - other healers do struggle with 360 or even a 240 radius).


Banners: a few tweaks to the main banners meant for support warrior.

  • Banner of defense: everything except one perk is kept as-is; the banner no longer pulses regen, but protection instead for a base duration of 2s.
  • Banner of tactics: initial placement provides 3 stacks of stability (increased from one). Everything else as-is.


Warhorn: a single change on PvE Charge for the sake of better use in this mode, and to prevent healsworn (providing alac) to contribute to quickness uptime.

  • Charge: competitive split to remove quickness in PvE only. Instead, provides (again, PvE only) base 4s protection on top of the remaining current effects: swiftness on base duration 20s, removes cripple/immobilize/chill conditions, with a blast finisher property.


That would be the changes I've imagined; a finishing touch could come from making group aegis accessible without relying exclusively on weapons like the staff or my modified warhorn, because taking that away from them would remove the must-have aspect either for those weapons, either for the Banner of defense (even though then, the issue of protection access may come back - not as crucial as canceling a key attack on some encounters). Anyway, back to the aegis topic: it could take form in the Berserker e-spec by making Eternal champion's ability to manually exit the berserk mode baseline, removing (competitive split for PvE only?) the self-stab and providing instead group aegis on entering/exiting the mode (15s CD). The bladesworn could have one of its support traits (River's flow/Lush forest/Daring dragon) make Cyclone trigger a group aegis instead of a personal one, while removing the already small damages on it (possibly changing the skill itself for lore's sake, making it some sort of "tactical charge - detonate a canister disrupting enemies' focus, allowing allies to dodge their next attack with ease")?

Buncha possibilities there!

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