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Revert the functional Bandage Blast change


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  • This skill will now directly target up to 5 allies with bandages instead of firing them in a fan-shaped area. Bandages will now only hit their intended target unless that target is at full health.

I overall think that change really hurt support scrapper. This skill used to have an impact in a fight. You could use it on downstates or acutally save people, so they don't die. You also needed to execute it well in order to have impact and the risk/reward was in good balance. 

Now tho, it's just a regenerative heal you really don't have any control over. I'd even say it made the skill functionally worse because of that. Of course you can heal people easier with it, but in WvW the timing, when to heal someone really matters, because that decides between someone dying or not and I don't have any control over that, if the bandages hit not who or where I want them to. 3K of healing also never really make the difference compared to the potential 13k (when you hit all bandages) we had before. Identity wise we are really missing out on something too in my opinion. I mean there was no skill that was even closely like the old bandage blast either. 

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Yea the skill was way better before the change. It had a great risk/reward balance, cause you actually had to get close to the one dying to get the potential 13k heal and you could actually see and feel the impact of your support. Which you don't have these days... It has to be reverted back to it's former glory and fun!

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I agree with Tyga here that med kit 2 should be reverted since the current version doesnt benefit any gamemode and is underwhelming compared to the old version. Due to that change you also lack a significant amount of burst healing that really hurts even in pve which makes healing allies that stepped out of line wasteful in terms of rescources or time since you have to use other healing skills now to achieve the amount of support as before. Ive never really understood why medkit 2 was changed in favor of a lackluster replacement in terms of skill expression and support capabilities since in recent patches theyve nerfed the passive procs of traits and easy to use healing / cleanses on scrapper which hurt it a lot in wvw and yet they reworked one of probably the best designed niche skills in the game to something thats easier to use. This kinda contradicts the changes made previously in that gamemode and just feels like the skill design / balance team doesnt know where they want to go with this class overall. With the upcoming changes to alacrity on healsupports in wvw scrapper can find a place in the meta again after 1 year however it lacks that certain oomph to set it apart from other supports whereas most of your healing is passive rather than reactive or predicitve.

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I agree and want to add: it is not only wvw but also pve. There is situations in raids, fractals or strikes where u need burst heal and regen is just the opposite of burst heal. The only option for burt heal is blasting water fields rn.

Would sell my soul for the good old scrapper, where u actually need to be skilled in what u do to deliver the best support rather then just dodge and or rotate your skills on cd. 

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I agree with @Tyga.7056 and @Sentus.6193. Make Scrapper/supp Engineer great again. Also the "shotgut heal" was an amazing thing to do in the medkit, and one of the (only, but) strongest healing bursts on scrapper. Please tweak it and dont remove this fun mechanic.

You had to direct your character into the direction you wanted the packs to hit. Now you cant even click someone in downstate right in front of you to give him all your support love. Instead someone else with 99% life gets the bandage. 

Edited by marv.7456
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im totatly agreeing with your statement here. i was a scrapper main back 3 years ago and i loved how the class felt and was played. it seems like they are taking out the uniqueness and making the class unnecessary boring and weaker. as a scrapper main the flame still is lit and alive. but it gets weaker and weaker as the balance team takes my oxygen away. pls reconsider your decision and revert this back like my good friend tyga said in this post!

your riftfarmer ajdin

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pretty much what op said.
I used to be a healscrapper main for quite a while, with every patch it got more and more one-dimensional and less impactful. It also felt quite rewarding , patching up your mates as they struggled taking damage.
I want engineer, as well as any other support spec, to feel impactful again. Not just a "spam every skill you have mindlessly at your allies"  because, after all, that's what makes support gameplay fun and challenging and on top of that engaging. Actually making your own decisions that  matter.

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I couldn't agree more with what @Tyga.7056 said; he has been one of the best scrapper players in the game, and he knows what he is talking about. My guilds used to love playing Scrapper, but with a change like that, people are not enjoying the class anymore. I think this change has a bigger impact on the game than Arena Net anticipated... a negative one at that. I really think Arena Net needs to reverse the change in order to make the meta healthy again. The classes in this game should have a great impact if played correctly, because this encourages improvement from players. Changes like that make a class brain-dead and not fun to play. Look at Chrono for example; you press every skill it has, and that is optimal (and very boring at that). Please encourage active gameplay; players need to enjoy the game and not be bored playing it. Make this meta exciting again; this will keep the community alive. Otherwise, the game we all love and support will die.

Edited by Snacer.3109
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17 hours ago, Drefaia.4503 said:

I also really miss old Medkit, the new one feels like Solar designed it.  😭

Old medkit? You mean the one we had to place the kits and such down one at a time at our feet and pray people ran over them, and they were single-person instead?

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4 hours ago, Icefyer.9208 said:

You mean 

I think it is obvious what he means. The word also

22 hours ago, Drefaia.4503 said:

I also really miss old Medkit

pretty much is self-explanatory in this thread. We want the previous Bandage Blast back.

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