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What would a 2000 gem mount skin be in your opinion?


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I wouldnt pay 2000 Diamonds or 25 Euros converted for a Mountskin. Because why? It has no worth for me, looking at a different color tone. Its no "content" and has no worth for me. If i buy a pizza for that price i at least have something to eat, but this is just a variation of colors on my mount. It doesnt move/ fly / glide faster or so. Im not greedy i just want to say, if i see something like a nice cloth set in the gemstore i buy it, but mountsskins...no.

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Agree that mounts we have are fine. Most of these would be entirely new mounts (new race, meaning new skills and abilities). Even if they had the same functions and animations as the current ones, a new race would be pushing the limits of "cosmetic only" for gem purchases, opening a whole other can of worms. Variants like the jackalope and doggy-jackal are about as far as it should go, imo. And if something so drastically different as these get put in game, I'd like to see the cultural vendors have one new mount each vs the store.(on topic, cosmetic things have a 1k cap for me, so I don't care what the skin is, I wouldn't pay 2k)

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