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Envoy of Exuberance failure after Kalla skills (updated)

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I was testing a particular custom build with a friend, and we noticed that Envoy of Exuberance (shield skill 4) occasionally failed.
In these cases the animation is still carried out and the skill goes into coodown, but does not apply any effects (healing/protection/aegis).
After some tests on the golem we realized that this only happens in combat and after using one of Kalla's skills, I would say approximately 30% of the time.
I can't say if that also happened before Kalla skills rework.

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UPDATE: after further testing it seems that the projectile created by the shield ability is destroyed if it hits an invulnerable target, whether friendly or enemy (only if "invulnerable", with "determined" this does not happen). It seems that Kalla abilities are considered invulnerable allies even for a few seconds after the animation (they can even be targeted by clicking on them) and destroy the projectile created by Envoy of Exuberance if it passes over them.

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  • hash.8462 changed the title to Envoy of Exuberance failure after Kalla skills (updated)

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