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CM bugged for all of Season 2

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I'm unable to complete achievements Mote Master from World Summit, Dancer in the Dark from Tracking the Aspect Masters and Unforgiving Infiltration from Meeting the Asura. Yes, I have already played through story once before, so it should be unlocked however the challenge motes are always missing from their supposed location.

Has anyone had this issue and how was it resolved? I am afraid if this is how it is for all of season 2, then I probably won't be able to see any other CM's as I progress through the game, locking me out of more achievements.

I have tried reinstalling the game, different map instances, hiding minis, different characters, and in-game (very much dead)LFG to get help from another player who maybe doesn't have this bugged (although I'd rather do this on my own time and not waste someone else's) and I am having the worst luck.

I hope Anet fixes the bugged CM, I have seen several others with the same issue. I just want to get my achievements and maybe, hopefully one day some lumi armor. Looks like it won't be happening anytime soon. Please halp

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3 minutes ago, SeRinnity.1543 said:

I am positive, I double checked that I had the initial achievement for completing - I am able to get all other achievements which is something you can't do if you've not played through before

Your entire account gets the completion achievement, regardless of whether or not each character did the story. But yeah, being eligible for all the other achievements does seem to indicate that the Mote should be there for you.

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