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[NA] [PvX] New Outriders [NOR] (est. 1992) Recruiting!

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[NA] [PvX] New Outriders [NOR] (est. 1992) Recruiting!


New Outriders is Recruiting!

We are looking for active, friendly, and mature players to join our growing community.



Our Mission: "To have fun and help others to the same..."


The New OutRiders (NOR) was founded in 1992 in the game "The Shadow of Yserbius" on the ImagiNation network. NOR is a multi-MMO guild with members in games such as Guild Wars 2, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Neverwinter, Dungeons & Dragons Online, Final Fantasy XIV and undoubtedly more to come.

NOR members have a variety of playstyles and commitment levels ranging from casual exploration and world events to desiring to play the most challenging content Guild Wars 2 has to offer.

All members are welcome to pursue their main interests.


Our Guild Hall: Isle of Reflection - Level 69

Server: Sanctum of Rall (Only required for WvW events)

Our Focus: PvX - Primarily PvE with weekly Scheduled Events

Voice Chat: Discord (Official Partnership) discord.gg/newoutriders

Repping: Encouraged

Language: Family-Friendly

Website: newoutriders.org

Interested in joining us?

Fill out a short application on our website: newoutriders.org/join. Make sure to put your in-game handle so we can contact you!

Have questions? Contact us!

Garadian Wynn.6298 - Branch Leader
Zyera.4835 - Realm Leader
Beesus.9628 - Officer
Sofija Solburg.5104 - Officer
Abban.5076 - Officer
ElijahAO.7604 - Officer

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