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Leg Armor T2 collection: 'Capture 250 charges of rift energy' completion progress resets on map change

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Posted (edited)

I was doing T3 rifts today in Amnytas, and had 80-something points in this step when I took a break. Went to a lounge, and noticed that the counter icon for that part of the achievement was no longer showing. Thought it was just because I was in an instanced lounge. Then I went to Skywatch to do some more rifts, and the icon was still missing. I just did 4 T1's in Skywatch and the icon appeared again, starting over. I stopped doing rifts when the counter was at 10. Then I went to Wizard's Tower and the progress reset all over again. I just lost all that progress, and this doesn't seem like intended behavior since there's nothing in the achievement text to imply that you need to stay on a single map and do all the points at once while still on that same map and IP.

Edited by Xenianth.5832
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This absolutely seems to be the case, as the same happened with me, and I'm fairly certain it shouldn't work this way.
T3 rift in Skywatch, was at about 200 something+ ( close to completion ), changed maps, counter was gone. While the other counters are there, for events and lanterns, the rift energy is completely gone. Did a quick T1 rift and reapeared with the counter starting from scratch.
Looks like you have to do it in one sitting on the same map you're on, quite unlucky.

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