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My problem with convergences

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Joined in the first 10 seconds of public Conv opening 10 minutes ago; 8+ leechers right at the beginning. 🥲Left. I don't have enough free time to risk failure with that many leechers. Guess it's time to make friends again and do private only

edit: What I was quoting didn't carry over, but it was originally in response to "just don't join late" guy. This is scarcely my first Conv where there are too gd many leechers from the beginning; I have been complaining about it. It's gotten really out of hand.

Edited by QueenKeriti.5176
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On 6/17/2024 at 5:18 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

I don't recall a single time I somehow wasn't able to see the numbered circles. The circles themelves are big enough and the numbers appear above everyone. At this point I'm convinced it's not really possible for them to be "invisible because of the players". Zoom out and pay some attention. You should be able to simply run out of them -and that doesn't even count any movement ability or dodging. Perhaps they're not "fixing" it, because there's nothing to fix about it.
The paths of the axes are visible as well and pretty sure their arrival place is marked by slightly dimmer orange circles. Also condi clear is part of the game.

I have fought Umbriel in the water, and the circles are completely invisible there. Even though the numbers are visible, they disappear within the crowd of people or in the background. When I referred to the circles not being visible even on the ground, I mentioned it happens SOMETIMES. I'm usually quite mindful of all circles and mechanics during Umbriel's fight because he is a challenge. I like the challenge, but I do not like missing those AOEs or having proper warnings for some of the devastating attacks.

And what about the axes with their stun, pull, root, and high amounts of bleed stacks causing serious damage? That's a certain death. Either the rooting or the stun should be removed so it is manageable with clears or stun breaks. Note that most stun breaks just free you from the stun, while the cleanses only clear one condition, maybe two. Either way, it's simply not enough for a mechanic with four dreadful effects. There are too many things happening at once, leading to certain death 99% of the time. Even if you break free from the stun, the rooting still holds you back. Even if you escape the end destination of the axe, you still get pulled if the axe strikes you on its way, and since your stun breaker clears only one or two conditions, the others still affect you, leading to death due to being stun-locked, rooted, or pulled while bleeding continues.

The bleeding stacks are too much. It would be acceptable if you could avoid them without being locked by other conditions. These four conditions in one attack lead to certain death for many classes and players, as the classes are not designed to escape so many conditions. This is unacceptable. If you are adding such a mechanic, ANet should ensure that all classes can handle it. They need to remember that public raids/groups rarely care for those stuck within that circle because the boss is the priority.

I have ZERO idea how you see the axes' path in the middle of a group, underwater, or in tall grass when their indicators are as dim as they can be. I have the same issue with many other circles in GW2 because they are not bright enough or don't give proper or long enough warnings.

The best way to handle these mechanics is to alert the player with a flashing yellow screen like the one for the eye of Umbriel, but for example, a flashing red screen with a message in the middle, saying "You are targeted by X amount of axes." I've been targeted by four different axes at once, and that's 100% death, especially when you are in the middle of cooldowns because of the other mechanics.

These are serious flaws within the design that need to be checked and improved. They need to be made more manageable with the right warnings before they happen. The warning for the eye is a good example, and other games also effectively inform the player when the boss or a mechanic has targeted them and how many times. Each of these aspects is extremely important for survival and helps the player manage complex battles like Umbriel successfully.

Edited by The Ghost.3087
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