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Autoattack toggle from stealth doesn't seem to work on boss fights for some reason?


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TL:DR but anyway, on normal enemies i hit stealth attack (D/D 5) - and have to wait until the bar finishes and im actually in stealth before pressing auto attack, but then i'll have toggled it/keep auto attacking, but for some reason in boss fights that doesn't work, so now i need to randomly hold the auto attack button down, every, single, rotation. even more fun in faster group content under the effects of quickness

is there a reason for that? is it just me somehow? i tried looking in options, but the only thing i could find was stop auto attack on target change (which i'm not using)


So i play a daggers (D/D) Thief with the staff elite spec, and basically dodge/flip (shift) for big dmg boost, stealth attack (D/D 5), then auto 3x chain (1) and repeat - flip, stealth attack, auto chain, flip

about the only real and semi satisfying damage rotation i can find in this game, at the very least on Thief. otherwise game feels very basic and spammy

it's also bad enough that D/D daredevil is nowhere near top dps (40k or whatever, around half that with the only other option core spec D/D being even worse), nor has the open world/solo power of something like a specter - but it seems i also can't even activate automatic/toggle auto attack chain from stealth on boss fights, for some reason

from single playing story bosses, to group/raid bosses. as cool as it looks and feels to play, it already sucks with flip being an important part of the damage rotation for Daredevil spec because the distance travelled is a little too far imo, making it troublesome in encounters like raids and group content in general, while also unable to effectively flip side to side on anything smaller than big bosses with even bigger hitboxes

but anyway, on normal enemies i hit stealth attack (D/D 5) - and have to wait until the bar finishes and im actually in stealth before pressing auto attack, but then i'll have toggled it/keep auto attacking, but for some reason in boss fights that doesn't work, so now i need to randomly hold the auto attack button down, every, single, rotation. even more fun in faster group content under the effects of quickness

is there a reason for that? is it just me somehow? i tried looking in options, but the only thing i could find was stop auto attack on target change (which i'm not using)

again flip rotation is already tricky and D/D isn't the greatest (as well as the revealed eyes above character from exiting stealth hard to keep track of in group/raid content..) so having issues with the mechanics flat out changing/not working in boss fights too, really just puts salt in the wound lol and i'd appreciate any ideas as to how to fix


Edited by Whiskiz.3091
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I'm not totally sure I understand what you're talking about. When you stealth you stop attacking, this is intended so that you don't misplace a stealth attack, or auto attack, and end stealth early. And it impacts all uses of stealth in the game including if you stealth other players, it's intentional. You don't return to the auto attack chain on the 1 skill afterward because you stopped using it. 

Separately there is an issue where you can't reliably stealth at all against certain raid bosses because they apply revealed to you and so it's not going to work correctly no matter what anyway.

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