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Positive Willbender changes ( wish)


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After 1k Guardian-Willbender playtime here is my opinions,

Willbender force movement is a bad design ( F1 )

Has minus synergy with the ranged weapons and it's frustrating to play in certain moment's like 80% of the time specially in tight places

Willbender lose passive ability of F skills which could make him more versatile while still doing what it should be doing (Dps,Heal,Boon,)

Forced to pick Virtues Trait to share Alacrity (Battle Presence) im already giving up other options + Entire Trait line

Willbender passive trait " Lethal Tempo " shouldn't be there that passive should be more versatile

Pistol 3 has some issues 

it's symbol that creates Combo Field but none of the pistol skills has Combo Finisher

it's symbol that says "symbol of ignition" but it's a light field instead of Fire field

it's symbol that you have to stand in it when you are using ranged weapon and it's Willbender that has to move !!!

and it's cringe every time Pistol 3 get's cancelled

Add Forum icon Rune,Sigil and Relic ... 

Edited by Barnahizi.2593
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A perfect example of why time spent doing something does not automatically = knowledge or expertise.


You seem to completely misunderstand the Willbender, its intended playstyle and synergies; you also completely misunderstand the Pistols, their intended playstyle and interactions.

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Alright, let's talk. 

16 hours ago, Barnahizi.2593 said:

Willbender force movement is a bad design ( F1 )

The Willbender's concept is to be a highly mobile and melee-focused elite-specialization. Rushing Justice (F1) is a gap closer that helps you get into melee range, I'd say there is a very good and basic synergy between playstyle and tools given. Sure, its not useful on range-favouring encounters, but you wouldn't bring WB into those in the first place. 


16 hours ago, Barnahizi.2593 said:

Has minus synergy with the ranged weapons and it's frustrating to play in certain moment's like 80% of the time specially in tight places

You can use all of Willbender's ranged weapons in melee range, there is virtually no drawback. Additionally, I'd even say there is an awesome synergy between F1 and Symbol of Ignition (P3) as F1 gets you into melee range so that you can cast P3 onto your target for extra hits. A very basic rotation is F1->P3->P4->P2->P4. It feels super smooth and fun (even more so with quickness) and deals tons of damage. Also, F1 and F3 are no forced-movement skills in melee range which is always favoured by the Willbender's playstyle. F2 is of course a 450 range forced movement skill and you can argue that it it's irritating in certain instanced PvE encounters as has been done in previous posts, however, I won't because I like it. 

16 hours ago, Barnahizi.2593 said:

Willbender lose passive ability of F skills which could make him more versatile while still doing what it should be doing (Dps,Heal,Boon,)

So I assume you want to say that WB would benefit from having permanent access to its virtues' passives? I will strongly disagree then. I think that the WB's virtue mechanic enables very enjoyable and interactive gameplay. Pressing F1 feels so impactful, especially on cWB builds, because you know there is a very clear condition for dealing damage and you fulfill that condition by entering your F1-stance. There is a very clear correlation between the buttons you press and the effect you get. For me, that's the definiton of a well-designed class. You may argue otherwise. Also "could make him more versatile", like.. what? You gotta be a little specific here, friend.

16 hours ago, Barnahizi.2593 said:

Forced to pick Virtues Trait to share Alacrity (Battle Presence) im already giving up other options + Entire Trait line

There is a point to be made that having to pick two grandmaster traits to provide alacrity is indeed over the top. However, I can't say there is a problem with having to bring the Virtues traitline for alacrity-providing builds. For paWB builds, its superior in DPS over Radiance, and for caWB (if you really wanna do that to yourself) there is no contender anyways. Apart from obvious DPS increases  (Inspired Virtues Unscathed Contender, Inspiring Virtue), Virtues is phenomenal for any WB build because it decreases your virtues' CD (even your F2 recharge, although it doesn't show in the F2 tooltip. Go check if you don't believe it). As WB playstyles revolve heavily around your virtues, it has an awesome synergy with the Virtue traitline.

16 hours ago, Barnahizi.2593 said:

Willbender passive trait " Lethal Tempo " shouldn't be there that passive should be more versatile

What do you mean? Are you saying Lethal Tempo shouldn't exist? Should it be something different? You have to give me something specific to work with here.
Maybe I'll try: For me, Lethal Tempo is one of THE playstyle-defining traits. The success criterium is simple: You get in many hits -> You get a solid damage boost (massive even with Tyrant's Momentum). It rewards players for engaging in a fast-paced playstyle which is excatly what WB is supposed to be.

Now, although your title claims it's a WB post, half your post is about the pistol skills. We can go over that, too, if you wish.

16 hours ago, Barnahizi.2593 said:

it's symbol that creates Combo Field but none of the pistol skills has Combo Finisher

Yes, it's true that pistols don't bring any combo finishers for the light field. However, I never found that to be an issue. The purpose of pistols in WB is always to deal tons of damage while finishing a light field is all about condi cleansing. I may be biased here, but I never felt a need for that. If you want to bring finishers, you have plenty of slot skills such as Whirling Light and Quick Retribution, the follow-up instance of Rolling Light.

16 hours ago, Barnahizi.2593 said:

it's symbol that says "symbol of ignition" but it's a light field instead of Fire field

As pistols don't have any finishers, why would it matter what type of field it is? 😉 Now, for real. All of guardian's weapons have light fields, because the entire profession is about dealing with conditions. It has light auras, light fields, plenty of resolution sources, plenty of condi-cleansing skills. I, for once, would be sad to break with that tradition. Symbol of Ignition, however, is about comboing with projectiles rather than with conventional combo finishers. Ergo, it ignites your P4 and autohits for extra burning. I'd say that's an awesome bit of synergy.

16 hours ago, Barnahizi.2593 said:

it's symbol that you have to stand in it when you are using ranged weapon and it's Willbender that has to move !!!

As a matter of fact, neither you nor your target have to stand inside the symbol in order for your projectiles to be ignited. It is, still, useful to be in melee range and have both you and the target inside your symbol so you get all of its benefits (might for you, damage for the target). You may argue that it's unintuitive to favour melee on ranged weapons. However for me, pistols really do not feel like ranged weapons on WB, despite the 900 range, because both are very melee-favouring. You can successfully play ranged pistols on Firebrand, the other condi-focused guardian build, but range really isn't a solid concept for a WB playstyle and I don't think it has to either.


17 hours ago, Barnahizi.2593 said:

and it's cringe every time Pistol 3 get's cancelled

On your average cWB build there are exactly three skills that cancel your P3: F2, F3 and your heal skill. Additionally, evade and weaponswap, those will always cancel everything you do due to their priority and that's a good thing. Every other skill will be queued to be executed after P3 has been cast. Pay a visit to the Special Forces' Training Area and check for yourself if you won't believe it. Within the P3 time frame you would really only want to cram those skills that trigger P3's mechanic (mainly P4, that's why you go P3->P4->P2->P4. P2 doesn't trigger, but it bridges the 1s CD between your P4's), which all of the skills mentioned above are not. Even if you really want to use, say, F3 after P3 because you felt the need to use a defensive option, you can 100% do that without cancelling P3 and I would even argue that you're better off cancelling P3 so you can try using it again more effectively 3s later. I feel like I am being way too generous here so let me get to the point: Get good. 

As a final remark: I'm hoping my post does not come across as too harsh. WB is my favourite specialization and I will endure people posting poorly elaborated or blatantly wrong statements on it only so many times, if I can help it. If you disagree with anything I wrote, please let me know.


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 if F1 is gap closer F2 and F3 is gap closer too, but i cannot control F1 but i can F2 and F3 it could change to similar animation, im talking about  Kite and Spacing here, i pick "ranged weapon" to stay at certain range not get close to enemy in pve or pvp but F1 its a headbutt ability that i have to get in melee range btw  im tyying to kite, none of other F skills has that problem. i don't know what their concept was when they released Willbender but it's so clear they didn't think hes going to be ranged  they  add weapon proficieny.what i understand game is very restrictive about classes and tbh it's not somethign i like. Lethal Tempo yes it's a great trait if your going to be Dps but if i want to build supportive it's something not necessary.First 3 Major traits are awesome, second 3 Major traits are meh just bc they are bit selfish except Holy Reckoning, third Major traits meh too bc  i can only share boons with  Phoenix Control which requires Battle Presence it's still annoying, i can't even share the passive effect F2 bc i don't have it. ESO skill system is way better bc you don't get rectricted to be melee or ranged you pick what ever you like in your skill slot and your good to go which is what they probably going to do eventually but this "Melee Oriented" thing going to effect a lot. i played enough to see where is fun and where is not that's why i said (wish) these are Quality of Life improvements not changing whole class.First minor traits of every class is no longer meanful hope they add something versatile that i can use on heal or tank build

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